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Priyanka wore a pink salwar suit and brushed her hair. She stood in front of the mirror and ruffled her hair. She styled them and clipped a piece of hair onto the side.

"Priyu! Are you done yet? We need to leave now to get there on time." She quickly wore her earrings and ran her fingers through her hair again.

"Hey, did the cab arrive?" Priyanka asked and searched for appropriate footwear. Nyra was dressed up in a green printed long skirt and black t-shirt. She nodded and rechecked her phone.

"Yeah it should be here in about five minutes," Nyra said. Priyanka grunted and buckled the strap on her foot.

Today was a big day for Priyanka. All the approvals for the construction of the hospital were received. It was a memorable moment for all. The construction would begin in the coming week. Revathi and Ram had organized a small Puja and prayer before the commencement of the construction next week.

Revathi had insisted that Priyanka and Nyra attend the Puja. When Priyanka tried to take over all the responsibilities for organizing everything for the Puja Revathi most likely commanded her to relax and the only thing she wanted from her was to show up to the Puja.

"The cab is here. Come on let's go." Nyra said and put on her footwear. The two of them left the house and locked the door behind them. They arrived at the location within minutes due to light traffic.

Priyanka had asked her father if he could attend but her father had rejected the idea immediately. When her mother was alive her father had attended almost every social gathering but now it seemed like all he did was work overtime at the office and then go home where he would work more. Some days he did not even go home, he stayed back in the office bedroom and started again the next day according to Lakshmi their cook.

She sighed and got out of the car as Nyra paid the amount to the cab driver. She was immediately tackled into a hug by Sana. "You are here Priyanka Di! Come! Come! The Puja is about to start!" Priyanka chuckled as Sana dragged her towards her family. Nyra chuckled and followed them.

Revathi and Ram greeted and welcomed the two of them. There weren't many people except some close friends of the family. She watched Anurag with a serene smile as he spoke to some of the guests. Despite his stoic expression, Priyanka discerned that he appeared more at ease than usual.

 In the past week, Priyanka and Anurag didn't have much time together as Priyanka was overwhelmed with work and Anurag with his practice, except for a couple of days when they enjoyed long walks. Priyanka was usually the one to talk while he listened and sometimes cracked jokes which amused her to no end.

As for the kiss they hadn't spoken about it since then and Priyanka did not want to push him. She wanted him to set his own pace and she was willing to follow his lead. Her heart warmed as she recalled some of the small intimate moments that they had shared when they met. He held her hand for a while as they walked it was as if he was drawing some sort of strength and support. Then he had even kissed her forehead before bidding goodbye. 

As if sensing her gaze on him Anurag stopped mid-conversation with a family friend and their eyes locked. His lips morphed into a small smile and he tilted his head slightly to the side.

She lifted her hand slowly and sent him a small wave. Anurag excused himself and walked towards her. Nyra was already busy conversing with Sana and Aarav who were standing a few feet away from her.

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