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Priyanka watched Anurag until he disappeared from view. She shut the door and leaned against it before loudly squealing. She jumped and ran towards Nyra's room where the two of them had been hanging out.

She plopped on the bed next to her best friend and grinned widely. "Why did it take you so long to answer the door?" Nyra asked closing her sketchbook and placing it on the side table.

"It was Anurag!" Priyanka exclaimed excitedly and sat on her knees. Nyra chuckled and passed her the brownie.

"I am so glad I did not answer the door then," Nyra muttered while Priyank rolled her eyes and ate the rest of the brownie.

"Nyru, you stole a piece of my brownie! But I don't care I'm so happy right now!" Priyanka exclaimed while Nyra laughed, waiting for her to narrate all the details.

"So what did he say?" Nyra asked while Priyanka finished devouring the last of her brownie.

"He asked me out on a date! We are going out tomorrow! It's a romantic date Nyru!" Priyanka let out a squeal while Nyra laughed and closed her ears.

"Okay sit down! Pace yourself!" Nyra shook her head and placed a pillow on top of Priyanka's face to muffle her screams and squeals. Priyanka laughed and pushed the pillow away from her face.

The two of them spent the next few minutes guessing where Anurag was going to take her when Nyra's phone pinged bringing a huge smile to her face. Priyanka watched her friend suspiciously as she giggled and replied enthusiastically. She smirked when she realized Aarav was texting Nyra.

"Looks like you have made some plans for tomorrow with someone who is more than a friend, but you refuse to accept it!" Priyanka stated with a teasing smile on her face as she got down the bed.

Nyra rolled her eyes and placed her phone back on the bed. "Shut up Priyu! I made it clear that we are only friends and he seems to be fine with it too."

Priyanka raised her brow doubtful with Nyra's observation but decided not to argue. "Fine! Whatever helps you sleep at night, Nyru!" She dragged the sentence with a teasing smile on her face.

"Aarav wants to hang out with me tomorrow. He said he has a couple of tickets to the art museum and then wants to take me somewhere to paint." Nyra said and continued texting Aarav.

"Well, then I guess you are occupied tomorrow too. Don't let the painting session be more than it is since you want it that way!" Nyra narrowed her eyes at her best friend while Priyanka chuckled and waved her hand.

"Shut up! Good night Priyu!" Nyra shouted at Priyanka's reply and shut the door before walking towards her room.

She set an early alarm for the next day and fell asleep with a content smile on her face. She could not wait for the next day to begin.


Anurag placed a few things in the backseat of the car and shut the door. "For someone who hates romance and gets ticks from every romantic gesture, you are taking this up a notch, big brother," Aarav said leaning against the car with an amused look on his face. He shook his head and watched his brother fuss over things that never mattered to him before.

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