Spreading Love

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"To change is never easy but once you take the first step everything is in your control and things fall in place!"

"To change is never easy but once you take the first step everything is in your control and things fall in place!"

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Hello everyone,
I hope you guys had an amazing and fulfilling week! Even though if you didn't do much that's fine. Small goals that you set for yourself and if you completed them or did everything then that's good too. Appreciate yourself for completing even the smaller tasks.

Anyway, in this blog I want to talk about change. We often fear change. Sometimes we get so used to our routines and the mundane moments that we do not wish to change them. We get comfortable with things even when we know we can do better.

I think this is something we should take a moment and ponder upon. I am not saying that all the changes that might occur in your life will be positive ones but the ones that make you uncomfortable, the ones that force you to break the shackles of your comfort zone are the ones that are worth working on.

Change is often associated with fear which I agree with because we are all going to step into the unknown, we are going to do something that's out of our comfort zone but remember that when you start feeling uncomfortable is when you are truly moving towards achieving your dreams.

Sometimes changes occur without any prior notice but remember do not panic. We have everything in us to adapt to these changes.

I would like to share a personal experience. I was scared when I chose to make writing my career. Although I believed in my capabilities and knew that this was what I had always wanted to do a small part of me always feared that I would fail. I was scared that I would prove every person who had called me crazy for choosing this path right.

But, I asked myself if I wanted to live with the regret that I had never given a real shot at chasing my dreams or overcoming this fear. I chose to live with the fear, and tackle this fear rather than living with the regret of not tying it at all.

So, don't fear change, instead embrace it, take it as something that will lead you to new possibilities and achievements.

If change isn't happening for you then make those changes, do things differently, and think beyond the horizons of restrictions that society has imposed on us. The world is full of possibilities people don't ever fear change! They can be one of the most adventurous things that can happen to you.

Don't let fear paralyze you instead let it be an adrenaline shot that will drive you to do everything!

As for my week it has been a great week. Although work has been challenging I am enjoying it. It was kind of a tough week so my best friend and I decided to take a walk in the park which was quite fulfilling.

Then we went to a cafe one of the most popular ones. Treated ourselves to some pizza and cupcakes. Not any ordinary cupcakes they were the cute mini ones!

In other news, my crush asked me out on a date! *Squealing loudly* I'm excited about the date!

Hope you guys have an amazing weekend! Don't forget to make some changes and memories along with it!

P.s. I learned that home means mane in Kannada. All of you have a beautiful mane. Home is not just a building or a place where we live, what makes home a home are the people that you love. Don't forget to cherish all the moments that you spend at home. Because one day those memories are the ones that will help you to keep going in life.

anonymous love

A/N: Well, this has been on my mind for a while now. Wanted to share it and so here it is. Been a while since I worte a blog part so here it is!

Uhh, I don't know if it makes sense but I guess it made some sense. I don't know let me know what you guys think!

But don't fear change like I mentioned embrace it! If things are changing then they must be for the good! Always, look at things positively!

The chapter update shall come tomorrow!

Hope you guys liked this part! If you did please do vote and comment! I would love to know what you guys think!

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