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It's been a couple of days since we edited the final draft of the article, it was published yesterday. It was not easy to get the approval of Richa. It had to be one of the most exhausting things ever. But after making a few changes and a few almost tears from Rhea and me we got one somewhat satisfying nod from Richa after which we could breathe properly.

It was a moment of celebration for the entire team when the article went live. I had a great time celebrating the win with the team. The response to the article had been commendable. I was eager to know what Anurag thought, I wanted to text and ask him but I was annoyed with him. There was one text reply from him which said he was okay after the interview and nothing after that! It has been almost five days and that's all I get from him? I was annoyed.

I sighed and went back to editing the latest article that Rhea and I were working on. We had a light argument on some things but other than that everything was moving smoothly. It was still early Saturday morning. Although it was the weekend I was swamped with work.

I attended a meeting with my father a few days back along with Ram Uncle and Revathi Aunty. The meeting was intense. My father did not go easy on them, he grilled them, me, and a few people working on the project. But the good news was that we had received all the approvals and the construction would be starting within the next two months.

Komal Speciality Hospital was now going to be a reality. I liked the name, I felt that there was a purpose behind the name that Revathi Aunty and Ram Uncle chose but I was hesitant to ask, it was their choice, and if they wanted to share they would tell the story behind the name eventually.

I cracked my neck and placed my feet on the other chair. I attended a few meetings with my NGO team. I got caught up on the work and activities that have been going on. I was busy drafting an email when I heard a loud screech near my ear. I jerked and almost spilled my coffee.

I rolled my eyes when Nyra laughed loudly and walked towards the kitchen. I glared at her and threw a spoon in her direction, she dodged it and grabbed a glass of coffee for herself.

"Priyu! It's Saturday! Since what time have you been working?" I sighed and sent out the last email before shutting my laptop.

"I have been awake since 6:30." I groaned and grabbed my coffee mug from the dining table and placed it in the sink.

"Are you done with them? You are free in the evening right?" She asked and sat on the dining table and sipped on her coffee.

"Yes, I am free! But what is happening this evening?" I frowned and asked.

Nyra raised her brows and shook her head. "You forgot?" She nearly screamed. I scratched my head and racked my brain trying to remember.

"Ohh today is the party! It's Sana's birthday!" Nyra nodded, I exclaimed excitedly and poured myself and Nyra a bowl of cereal.

I passed the bowl to Nyra and sat opposite her on the dining table. "What are you gifting her?" I asked.

"Some killer art supplies!" Nyra exclaimed excitedly, I chuckled and rolled my eyes. Anyone could tell that Nyra's first love was everything related to art.

"That's great!" I said, I thought about what to gift her, art supplies were a good option but I'm sure she would already be getting that as a gift from the majority of her friends and family.

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