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I tried to sleep but sleep was far away. The entire week has been annoying. Amit Sir increased the intensity of the practice as he had given us a day off for Diwali, he added extra workouts and boxing matches for me because I had missed a few hours on Monday. That was when I decided to stay with Priyanka until she had fallen asleep.

I frowned and pushed the duvet off my body. I still could not justify why I accompanied her and why I played that stupid game with her the biggest one of all was why I had agreed to go out with her tomorrow.

I rubbed my chest when I felt some weird sensation and warmth. Do I have a fever? I took deep breaths and checked my pulse. My heartbeat was fine and neither did I have any body pains then why did I feel this way whenever I thought about her? I banged my hand against the kitchen counter and shook my head. I shouldn't have touched her when she fell asleep. That stupid act where I brushed her hair away from her face was the cause of this indescribable feeling.

I gulped down a glass of water. My phone pinged bringing me out of my confused thoughts.

"Hi, Anurag! This is Priyanka."

"Before you rack your brain, I got your number from the group."

Oh, she meant the group that was created for the Diwali celebrations.
My lips automatically tilted, but I immediately shook my head. I just need to go out with her tomorrow and be done with this entire interaction. I was okay with friendship but this was turning out to be something that was out of control.

"Hi, Priyanka! How are you?"

I sent a quick text to her and then cursed under my breath. I don't even feel the necessity to reply to some of the texts that Aarav sends me. I shook my head and poured some milk into the tumbler and placed it on the stove for heating. I added some turmeric and sugar. I needed to sleep and sometimes this helped me. I could run and practice for a few hours and that would help me too but I was drained out today and I didn't want to put too much pressure on my body.

I transferred the contents into a glass and grabbed my phone as it pinged again. I took a few sips and sat on the couch. I tapped on the messages that Priyanka sent.

"I'm all good now. Don't worry about that, wait you know how to worry too. I'm surprised 😨."

I rolled my eyes at her reply and shook my head.

"Very funny! By the way, how's the conversation with the moon going on."

I smirked feeling proud of my reply and took another sip of my drink. Two can play this game, Miss Priyanka. My phone pinged I clicked on the message and couldn't stop myself from letting out a chuckle.

"Shut up Giraffe!"

I placed the empty glass on the coffee table and sent her a quick reply.

"I'm technically not talking so I can't shut up!"

I frowned as the weird sensation in my chest returned. I took a deep breath and shook my head. I don't like this weird feeling. I'm used to not feeling anything but the pain and satisfaction from my training. My phone once again pinged.

Destructive Love (#1)Where stories live. Discover now