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He helped me and casually walked away. Aarav waved at us and followed him. I blinked my eyes several times still trying to digest what had just happened. What is he doing in this Apartment's gym? Oh god! He lives in this apartment. Probably in one of the other blocks. That could explain why I hadn't seen him here before. Anurag directly spoke to me and helped me.

I frowned, why couldn't he talk a bit more? He didn't even react when he looked at me. I mentally slapped my face. I'm so embarrassed right now. He was so nonchalant while I was gaping at him like a fish taken out of water. I even blabbered the shit that was going on in my head. What is wrong with me?

My heart is beating so fast. It was practically humming. "Hello, Priyanka!" Someone shouted and I snapped out of my trance. It was Nyra. She waved her hands in front of me.

"What?" I asked Nyra who was smirking at me. I was still seated at the edge of the treadmill. I stood up and dusted my pants.

Nyra bit her lips trying to control her laughter but the next second she burst out laughing. "You should have seen your face. You were star-struck."

I shoved her and decided to cycle instead of walking on the treadmill. I guess the treadmill and I aren't going to be getting along today. "That's bullshit! I wasn't star-struck or anything. I was just a bit surprised to see him here that's all." I shrugged my shoulders casually and began cycling.

Nyra chuckled and cycled on the machine next to mine. "Okay! If that's the case then look me in the eye and tell me that you don't have a crush on Anurag."

Crush? Huh? Do I have a crush on Anurag? No! Of course not! Sure I'm kind of intrigued by him. I kind of want to know more about him. But a crush? That's ridiculous! I only saw him for the first time today. I know you can crush on someone the first time you see them but no I don't have a crush on him.

"Ohh, the usual chatterbox Priyanka isn't answering. That means drumroll, please! Priyanka has a crush on Anurag!" Nyra imitated playing the drum and laughed.

"Oh shut up Nyra! I do not have a crush on Anurag. Okay? Just because I stuttered a bit when I saw him doesn't imply that I have a crush on him. I was startled that's all." I rolled my eyes and cycled faster.

"Did you have any clue that they lived in the same apartment as we did? That's so weird! And why do you think we never ran into them before today?" I asked and Nyra chuckled her eyes glittering with mischief.

Oh no! I shouldn't have asked her these questions. I just gave her ammunition to tease me more now. "It's fate Priyu! Fate! Ohh and destiny as well." I rolled my eyes and threw my towel at her.

"Yuck!" She made a disgusted face and threw the towel back at me. "Just shhh Nyra! Don't talk!" I put my finger on my lips stressing my point.

"Ohh I have to tell this to Jatin!" My eyes widened and I shook my head vigorously. Jatin was Nyra's younger brother. He was only a couple of years younger than us, but he got along well with me. We were a riot together. He was in his final year of engineering.

Jatin is amazing. But when Jatin and Nyra teamed up together especially to tease me it wasn't nice at all. It annoyed and irritated me which entertained them more. These two have been waiting to tease me with someone.

Destructive Love (#1)Where stories live. Discover now