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A sudden, booming announcement jolted me from my thoughts, signaling the imminent arrival of my stop. I shut my camera and placed it in the bag.

I slung it around my shoulder and stood up. I walked towards the train door and stood near it, quickly checking my phone to look at the address. I double-checked if I had gotten the correct directions to the bookstore. 

The doors opened and I exited the train. I glanced at the train as it passed. The entire interaction felt out of sorts for me. I'm a curious person in general but for some reason, I wanted to solve the mystery of Anurag. 

He looked dangerous or at least he appeared dangerous. He could be pretending or maybe not. Ugh! I don't know. Besides, why do I care? I don't want to think about this right now. I have a job to do and then explore the places here.

I shook my head and climbed down the stairs. I exited the metro station. The sounds of vehicles filled my ears. The entire place was buzzing with activity. The Silver Fox bookstore was only a five-minute walk from this metro station.

I saw another bookstore right next to the metro station. It would be nice to go and check out some books. It's been a while since I bought some books. I made a mental note to visit this bookstore too.

I walked until I reached a tall building that had the bookstore's name and the logo. The clouds above the building looked fluffy just like cotton candy. They framed the building perfectly.

I couldn't resist pulling out my Polaroid. I clicked the picture of the building. The camera made a whirring noise and the film stuck out. I wanted to squeal. I blew air on the film and waited for the image to appear. 

I sighed contentedly satisfied with the outcome. It appeared stunning. I carefully kept the picture in my bag and entered the building. This picture would be the perfect addition to the wall collage in my room.

The next hour passed by quickly. I spoke about the foundation and the charity work that the company did and placed the order for the storybooks.

The manager was very happy to provide the books for the orphanages. He gave me a special discount and said that I could pick up any two books for free from the bookstore.

I picked up a couple of romance books. The synopsis looked interesting. He tossed some extra bookmarks with my books and handed me the paper bag.

I clicked a few pictures of the place. The aisles of the bookstore and a few more aesthetic pictures. I let out a contented sigh, basking in the amazing feeling of being surrounded by books. Writers who have poured their emotions into these pages. Right here some books will take you to a different world and make it a beautiful experience for the readers.

I couldn't resist. I ended up buying a couple of more books. By the time I exited the bookstore, it was already time for lunch.

Nyra had texted me the cafe's address. It was only a ten-minute walk from the bookstore. My heart was content after buying those books. I wanted to dance around the street but then people would think I'm crazy. So I stuck to walking like a normal person.

When I entered the cafe, Nyra waved her hands from the corner where she was seated. I walked towards her and sat down.

"Hi!" I greeted her, she laughed looking at the number of books I had bought.

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