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I got out of the cab and paid the driver. The Night Lights is a very popular resto-bar. No one would even guess that this bar hosted some of the most lethal and popular underground fights in the entire city.

I wore my mask. A black mask that covered most of my eyes. The main rule of these fights was that everyone should have a different identity. Anonymity was important here which was why I chose this place. The tickets for these fights are released a couple of hours before the fights start.

I grabbed my bag and entered the resto-bar. I showed my bar card to the bouncer who narrowed his eyes at me. It doesn't have my real name or anything related to my real identity. He asked me to follow him discretely. We walked into the elevator at the far end of the lobby.

He clicked the lower basement button. The phones were taken away the moment we entered the arena. Everyone who enters the arena irrespective if they're spectators or fighters is checked strictly.

I changed my clothes in the locker room and came out. Max greeted me the second I exited the locker room. He was a sleazy fifty-year-old. Who always smoked a cigar and wore thick gold chains around his neck. A shiny gold mask covered his eyes. Although short he made sure that he appeared intimidating at all times. 

He slapped my back and I glared at him. "It's so good to see you after a long time my boy!" I shrugged his hand away and he cackled loudly. I moved my head from side to side and stretched my hands.

When we entered the arena the crowd went ballistic when the commentator announced my name. This entire place was soundproof, not a single noise could get out of this area. They cheered, "The destroyer" over and over again. There were at least two hundred people.

Max makes sure to limit the number of entries but that doesn't mean he can control the racket caused by the spectators.

"Today's match is between our most favorite and popular the Destroyer and, the one and only cunning player of all times the snake!"

Snake entered from the other side. I don't know his real identity but I do know that for the past few months, he has been winning these illegal fights. He doesn't show any mercy. Last time they had to physically pull him away from the other fighter as he was going to choke him to death.

He had a snake-structured mask covering his eyes. He raised his arms in the air and screamed. He was about the same height as me probably a few inches taller and he was well-built. The crowd went crazy. "The destroyer has never once lost a match but neither has the snake. Today the stakes are high. Who is the strongest among the two best fighters this city has seen so far? Are you ready for today?" The commentator screamed and the crowd shouted a yes.

There were equal amounts of cheers heard from both of us. I smirked at him when he made a killing gesture with his hands. He is trying to goad me. I'm not scared of this asshole.

This should be an interesting match. "You know the rules." I raised my brows and fisted my palms. He laughed loudly and puffed out smoke.

"I'm joking. There are no rules except don't kill him. You know it. Have fun!" He slapped my back again and I sneered at him. I hate when he does that. He raised his brows and winked at me.

"Make me proud." I scoffed. I was doing this to release anger not make anyone proud, certainly not this sleazeball. A couple of minutes later we entered the ring. I tied the bands around my hands. I put on a mouth guard. These matches were usually played without gloves. I was more than okay with it.

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