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Priyanka sighed as she watched Anurag leave the house along with Sana. She knew for a fact that he was still angry. She realized that he was tense and concealed his true emotions. She wanted to follow him and ask him what was wrong but she knew that doing this would only push her further away from him.

She grabbed her book back from the coffee table and continued reading meanwhile Nyra went to her room to attend a meeting. Priyanka tried to focus on the book but she could barely read a few pages. Her mind kept going back to Anurag. She wanted to know if he was okay. "Stupid Giraffe didn't even bother to reply to my text." She muttered under her breath.

She contemplated if it was a good idea to text him again. She didn't want to be pushy but she was genuinely concerned for him. She knew that he carried a lot of burden, there was more to him than the strong exterior that he portrayed to the entire world.

He was hurt and wounded, she knew that some scares would never go away. Even though they are healed they'll always be there as a reminder of everything that you have fought.

Priyanka sighed and hoped that Anurag would trust her enough to share his feelings. She swallowed the lump in her throat, she felt as if something was about to happen. Before she would overthink and go into the endless loop of weird and somewhat scary scenarios she shook her head and grabbed her laptop.

She sent out a quick meeting link to her team to get some quick updates about how the Foundation was running. She made sure everything was up to date and also asked Tripthi to schedule some meetings with the NGOs they were working with.

Priyanka sighed when she found an email from her father. No matter how hard she tried to establish a relationship with her father that wasn't business related the more it turned to be that way. Her father had a meeting scheduled for tomorrow along with Ram Uncle and Revathi Aunty. The approvals for the start of hospital construction were almost done. Only one more left after which the construction would begin.

She sent him a quick reply saying that she would join. She wrote some articles, and by the time she was done with her work, it was almost nine in the night.

Nyra prepared some ramen for the two of them. They sat down on the balcony, and as the light, pleasant breeze hit their faces, they continued to slurp on their noodles and chat about random things.

"So, I have to tell you something," Nyra said and moved the noodles with her fork. Priyanka turned to face her friend and nodded.

"I spoke to my parents about pursuing the painting course." Priyanka placed her bowl on the small table that was between their chairs and wiped her lips with a tissue.

"What did they say?" She screamed eagerly waiting for her best friend to give her an answer.

"As expected they think it's a crazy idea but they are willing to support me if they think that's what I want to do." Priyanka let out a squeal and hugged Nyra who laughed.

"I'm so happy for you!" Priyanka screamed and the two of them hugged. They clinked their juice glasses together and gulped them down.

"Have you started researching for colleges?" Priyanka asked her. Nyra took a hearty bite of her ramen and nodded.

"Yes, I still have a few months left in the company after that I'm thinking of participating in an exhibition. Sell a few of my paintings and also create a better and stronger portfolio for myself." Nyra said, Priyanka grinned and nodded.

"That'll be amazing! I can't wait for it! I'll help you with everything! Oh, I can even tell my followers about it! Not that you need it since you have a fan base of your own. But I'll still do it! I'm so excited Nyru!" Nyra chuckled as Priyanka rambled.

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