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The meeting was successful. It was almost a week since we had the meeting. Revathi Aunty and Ram Uncle were a delight to work with. They insisted that I address them that way, they did not want to be formal. They were wonderful people.

Revathi Aunty is so sweet and caring just like Ma was, it felt like I was meeting another version of Ma. Now I know why Ma chose them, there are no two other people better than them to work with. Revathi Aunty looked familiar. It felt like I had seen someone like her before. But that was impossible since I had met her for the first time only last week. I brushed it off. Maybe I would have seen her in the city somewhere before.

The meeting on the other hand had been long and tiresome. Papa asked them a lot of questions but in the end, he was satisfied with all their answers. This project means a lot to Papa so I can understand why he was so frantic and wanted everything to be perfect.

We had a few more formalities to take care of, we needed to get some legal approvals. The hospital is under construction on land situated in close proximity to the city center. Providing easy access to the patrons. 

Overall it had been a very busy weekend. I went home after a long time. Our cook Lakshmi who has been with us since I was a baby was ecstatic to see me. She made me promise that I would come home at least once a month or more if possible.

Papa wasn't still open about a lot of things. We spoke about how Bangalore was although I felt like I was talking to a stranger at times. He barely smiled and expressed any other emotion on his face. He insisted that I rethink my decision about my career. I told him that with time he would understand why I had chosen that path. He was not satisfied with my answer but I have hope that he will understand me. 

I let out a breath and glanced outside. I smiled as the water droplets pitter-patted on the glass pane. I was currently seated in a cafe. Nyra wanted to go out as it was Friday, so I decided to wait for her in a cafe that was near her office. I  was working on an article that I was writing for a company website. I could have just waited for Nyra at home but I was feeling a bit claustrophobic and to be honest, my creative juices weren't working at the moment.

There was another thing that kept bothering me the entire week and that was Anurag. He seemed tensed and angry about something. Although he's always frowning there was something else this time. I once again tried to initiate a conversation but he again gave me one-word answers. 

Stupid stupid man! He always makes me feel things that I didn't want to feel. My phone vibrated, temporarily halting the thoughts that were running in my mind. It was a text from Revathi Aunty, she invited me to her home this Sunday for lunch. She didn't want me to make any excuses and come for lunch, she wanted to celebrate with me and her family. Revathi Aunty has three kids. I smiled and quickly replied that I would be there on Sunday.

Nyra showed up an hour later, thankfully I was able to gather a few points for the article. Something was better than nothing. We decided to go to a popular Andra Restaurant that was in the area.

"So, any progress on your latest article?" Nyra asked. I snorted and continued eating my rasam rice. Writing this article could open up many doors for me but my progress was still somewhat stagnant.

"Not that much but I was finally able to gather a decent amount of information but it could be better. Still a work in progress." Nyra hummed.

"Don't worry Priyu! You have got this!" I smiled and nodded. Nyra was my biggest motivator.

We spoke about some casual things. I told her about Revathi Aunty's invite, she said that I should make my special custard for them. That seemed like a good idea.

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