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I took a few notes as Rhea spoke. We disagreed on a few things again but eventually came to an understanding. "Okay, that is about it. I'll work on the first part of this article while you do the second part. Let's discuss and troubleshoot it in say about three days?" Rhea asked.

I tapped my pen and thought about it for a few moments. "Yeah, that works." Rhea smiled and nodded. We discussed a few more things before ending the meeting. I sighed and cut the call. Nyra was still at the office as part of a major project. She should be home in a few more minutes. I felt elated, I could not stop smiling. The moment that I shared with Anurag an hour ago was special. I sighed and bit my lip, I hope he does not push me away.

I walked to the living room, made myself comfortable on the couch, and switched on the television. I browsed through and finally found a nice movie. A few minutes into the movie I heard the bell ring. That's weird Nyra has the key, if she were to enter the house she would not ring the bell.

"Perhaps she forgot the key," I mused, shrugging as I set the remote on the couch before heading towards the door. I opened the door and was about to scream hello but gasped and my eyes widened for a few seconds. Anurag stood before me, his gaze penetrating, igniting a warmth that coursed through my body.

I blinked my eyes several times, trying to figure out if I was dreaming or staring at the real Anurag. "Now who's being rude? Not even a hello?" His husky voice brought butterflies to my stomach.

"Oh hi!" I muttered and blinked my eyes several times confirming again that I was not dreaming. He raised his brows in amusement.

"What's up?" I cleared my throat and smiled at him trying not to show the bouts of excitement on my face.

"You forgot your earphones." He held them up in front of my face. I knew I was forgetting something when I came back from the walk but then I forgot about it.

"Here you go," he said, extending it toward me. I accepted it from his hands.

"Thank you," I said, Anurag nodded, and I pouted lightly, I tapped my feet as I watched him turn to leave. A few seconds later, he turned towards me, locking eyes. I straightened up and offered a warm smile in return.

"Umm, can I have a glass of water?" Anurag asked, I nodded and gestured at him to come inside. He entered the flat and I shut the door behind him.

"Make yourself comfortable," I offered, prompting a small smile from Anurag as he settled onto the couch. I went to the kitchen and poured him a glass of water. I walked back to the living room and passed him the glass. I found him frowning at the television. Nothing new with the frown on his face, he grabbed the glass and raised his brows before taking huge gulps of water. I poured him another glass which he drank.

"I'm trying to figure out what you are frowning about, I'm usually good at guessing but I'm unable to decipher it at the moment so what has got you frowning?" I asked and sat on the couch beside him. I watched the movie and waited for him to answer.

"Why are you watching this movie?" He asked and pointed at the television.

"I am guessing you are not a fan of romance movies." Anurag groaned and nodded.

"They give false hope to people. As it is people get hurt generally they should not be fed with these pie-in-the-sky ideas." I chuckled as he grimaced when the handsome male lead in the movie said a cheesy line to the beautiful female lead.

"That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard!" He muttered I rolled my eyes and for the next fifteen minutes, Anurag scoffed, fake laughed and commented on every scene in the movie. If I had known that all it takes to elicit some reactions from Anurag is to watch a romantic movie with him, I would have done it long ago.

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