Spreading Love

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"Nature is soothing and healing. Just look around and take a deep breath. Don't think about anything, enjoy the moment."

Greetings Everyone! Isn't that a beautiful picture? The water droplets on the flower look like crystals glistening on a bright sunny day

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Greetings Everyone!
Isn't that a beautiful picture? The water droplets on the flower look like crystals glistening on a bright sunny day. The fragrance of this flower is so soothing. Have you guys ever stopped for a second and taken in everything? Have you taken a moment to appreciate everything you have achieved?

If you didn't then just for ten minutes stop running behind everything. Stop chasing success and getting things done according to schedule. Just take a moment and hug yourselves. Appreciate everything that you have accomplished so far.

Why do we get sucked into the toxic ways of this world? This weekend keep your phone aside. Just take some time and look around. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. You'll realize how beautiful and unique your life is.

Never let some trivial things determine how you should live your life. If you love doing something give it all and take that leap. Go for it and conquer it.

This weekend I wanted to relax and unwind. So I went for a walk in my apartment, of course, with my camera. Got to capture some splendid moments ; ). I made sure not to use my phone. I heard the sounds of the birds chirping, the noises of the vehicles, and the excited chatters of the gossip aunties of my apartment.

All I'm trying to say is that it was amazing to live in the moment. It was great not to think about the past or the future and to just focus on the present. Many of us get flustered either thinking about the past or the future.

We have forgotten to live in the present. Why aren't we living in the present? There's no point in thinking about the past it's already over that is why it's called the past. As for the future, no one knows what will happen in the future. Why waste your precious time and energy worrying about it?

Trust yourself now and the decisions that you have made. Everything will fall into place. All of you are trying your very best you will eventually find your path. Don't go by the world's time or someone else's time. Go by your time! That's what matters the most!

Anyway coming to the things that I did this week I ate some delicious authentic South Indian delicacies from Udupi Garden! It was the best thing that I have ever tried in my life. I'm sure most of you know this place as it's pretty popular in Bangalore. If life throws you off the rails, eat masala dosa with various chutneys plus sambar, you can never forget that, and you'll eventually find a solution. Or just order your favorite food that works too! Ohh kesari baath(a South Indian dessert) yum yum the best way to end the meal.

P.S. My friend didn't approve of me calling her Gube. She called me Solle, which means mosquito. According to her, I keep buzzing around town to take pictures, which is true. Kudos to her for using the right word. Except I don't suck blood! Though it would be fun to date a vampire. Hmm, only if I can find my Edward Cullen. The man knows how to suck more than just blood. *No double meaning intended.*. But I know what all of you are thinking ; ). *Smiles cheekily*

I will let her bask in this win for now. That is until I come up with a new word lol. I also learned that spicy means Khara. I love khara food!

That's all for today! Let me know all the things that you guys do to unwind.

Have a great week and a great time! Until next time!

anonymous love

************************************A/N: To anyone who needed to hear this! Honestly I have felt that way so many times. The self doubt that gnaws you is the worst feeling ever. But remember that what you have done and achieved so far shouldn't be taken lightly.

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