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Priyanka groaned and deleted the sentence for the tenth time today. How did she know it was ten times? It was all thanks to her best friend Nyra.

"Wow, this is like the eleventh time." Nyra casually muttered and continued typing on her laptop while sipping on her coffee. Priyanka let out a frustrated breath and slammed the laptop close before pushing it aside on the couch.

She folded her arms across her chest and leaned her head against the headrest. Her head once again started throbbing.

"Tell me again, why you are not going to the office today?" Priyanka screamed the last part and closed her eyes for a minute. She glared when she heard Nyra's laughter behind her.

"Nyru! You aren't helping me at all! Instead, you are counting the number of times I've failed to complete this stupid task that is assigned to me. I don't like you right now." She muttered and stretched her legs over the coffee table.

"For your information, I already gave you my suggestion, it's you who doesn't like it. That's not my fault." Nyra replied and chuckled when her friend let out a frustrated breath.

"I'm not going to call him or ask him to meet me. I feel like things between us were already hanging by a thin thread and then now this happened." Priyanka grunted.

"Might I remind you that he kissed you and not the other way around!" Nyra replied casually as she worked on her laptop.

Priyanka scoffed and pressed her fingers against her forehead. Nyra was right, but she didn't want Anurag to push her away.

Anurag kissing her forehead once again flashed in her mind. She let out a light sob as her heart fluttered. Over the past three days, this was the only thing that kept popping into her mind. Even when she tried to concentrate and focus on the task at hand.

This was the last thing she had expected to happen that day but it did happen to send her feelings into overdrive for the one person she knew had a crush on but now it was blown up into something else. She wanted to spend more time with him, she wanted to annoy him but at the same time crack jokes or say the most ridiculous thing which made him smile the smile which he rarely showed to the world but she had seen it quite several times. She wanted to be there for him when things were hard.

She grabbed her phone which was next to her and opened WhatsApp again. She sighed when her finger hovered over the last text she had sent Anurag. It was some post that had a joke and good morning under it. That was nearly three days ago and there was no reply from him yet.

She wanted to break the ice but of course, the grumpy man wouldn't respond. She huffed and slammed the phone on the handrest of the couch.

"Relax, he'll text you back," Nyra muttered and laughed lightly.

"Really? Nyra? You think so! It's been three freaking days and there hasn't been a peep from his side. What am I supposed to assume here exactly?" Priyanka asked frustratedly and stood up. She walked around the living room and shook her head vigorously.

Nyra sighed, she sent the last few emails for the day and shut her laptop. She rose from her seat and approached her friend, who stood there, glaring at the floor.

"Come on! We're going out for lunch. You are cranky and need some food in your system." Nyra said and began pushing her friend towards the main door. Priyanka whined and shook her head.

Destructive Love (#1)Where stories live. Discover now