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Anurag walked away from her and clenched his fists. He entered the washroom and splashed water on his face. When he was on his way to the washroom Anurag saw that someone was forcefully dancing with a woman. It boiled his blood when he reached closer to help her he realized that the woman was Priyanka. That further ignited his anger. But he knew that she was planning on something by the determined look on her face. He's frustrated with himself. Why did he have to barge in there and save her? He knew that she had it under control yet he couldn't resist punching that asshole.

He wiped his face with a paper towel and exited the washroom. He sat on the stool on the other side of the club and gulped down the whiskey in one go. He slammed the glass on the counter and gestured at the bartender to get him another glass. He never drinks more than one but today he was on the edge.

The memories of the way she tended to his wounds flashed in his mind. The way she commanded him to sit down so that she could dress his wounds and the tenderness that Priyanka showed him, kept playing in his mind. He should have never walked passed her block today, he should not have helped her with those boxes. He shouldn't have commented on her hair change yet he did. He shouldn't even be near her. He destroys everything and something as beautiful as her would be tarnished by him.

For the first time, he was comfortable with physical touch. He was comfortable with her touch and he was not ready to accept that. She's moving something inside him and he doesn't like it. It's as if she can see him from beyond the walls that he has built to keep everyone away from him.

To top that something wasn't right. He could feel that someone out there was messing with him. Getting involved with her in any way would be a disaster.

He sipped his drink. He jerked when someone slapped his back. "Hey, brother! I see you already ordered. So much for you throwing a tantrum to come out today." Anurag grunted and continued sipping his drink.

It burned down his throat numbing his senses. He didn't wish to be here but Aarav insisted that he needed to let loose and feel the music. Whatever the fuck that meant? It was not as good as punching the hell out of a boxing bag. But, for now, it would do. he needed a distraction of some sort so he was here.

Yash, Vikram, and Dhruv were here too. They only completed a week of one of the hardest and the most intense training with Amit Sir and that was worth celebrating. Since they didn't have an early training the next morning Aarav had planned this relaxed evening. Everyone made sure to have no more than one drink.

The music blared, and people around cheered moving their bodies. They continued to groove and sync with the music. Aarav stood next to him and tapped his feet continuously. Yash and Vikram were having fun on the dance floor. They danced doing some crazy exaggerated hip movements. Dhruv danced for a while but then walked back after a few songs.

Anurag shook his head. He couldn't stop the involuntary chuckle from slipping out of his mouth as he recalled that Priyanka had referred to him as a giraffe. He wasn't surprised by her sudden word vomit. She always did that around him.

Dhruv raised his brows; he had never seen Anurag smile let alone laugh. Aarav tilted his head and squinted his eyes to get a better look at his brother. He was shocked to see that Anurag had laughed. Sure it was a short laugh but it still amused him. He smirked and sat down on the stool next to his brother. "Did I drink too much? Am I hallucinating or are you really laughing?

"Well, you are not hallucinating because even I heard him laugh," Dhruv said with a smirk on his face.

Anurag cleared his throat and scowled at Aarav and Dhruv. "Shut up both of you. I'm not laughing." Aarav raised his brows. Dhruv shook his head and chuckled.

Destructive Love (#1)Where stories live. Discover now