Spreading Love

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"The festival of lights, when lamps illuminate every corner of the country to ward off darkness and evil."

Happy Diwali Everyone!

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Happy Diwali Everyone!

May this Diwali bring all the happiness to you. May all your dreams and wishes come true. May this Diwali bless you with an abundance of blessings. As a kid I enjoyed this festival, it has always been my favorite one. I loved shopping for new clothes with Ma and then imitating how she dressed in front of the mirror. It always cracked her up how well I managed to imitate her.

I miss her more on these special days but I know that her blessings are always there with me. For the past two years, I always lit extra lamps in her memory and made sure that they shone brightly just like she lit up the surroundings wherever she went.

When I was little I loved bursting crackers, but as I grew up I realized that the core meaning of Diwali was to light lamps and as amazing and fun it was to burst crackers it harmed the environment. Eventually, I switched to bursting minimal crackers and lighting more lamps. I am not going against people who love bursting crackers, I am merely stating my opinion.

We need to understand that this planet isn't just occupied by us humans. There are other creatures too and I have witnessed how it has affected animals. The sound scares them and causes anxiety. How is it fair to them? The smoke causes a lot of respiratory problems. Have you guys noticed the sky after Dilwali? It is completely covered with smoke. I am only saying that all of us can take small steps towards celebrating Diwali in an environmentally friendly way.

I am done ranting about this now haha. Once again I would like to clarify that I do not intend to offend anyone. I enjoy fireworks in the sky but lately, I feel that everyone has been overdoing it which can be controlled. Let's make this world a safer and better place.

As for my Diwali this year it was something that I will cherish for the rest of my life. A few of us in my apartment volunteered to help decorate. It was fun to play with the streamers and other various decorations. During this time I met a very special and sweet girl.

My favorite part of all was bonding with my neighbor's baby. She is my new best friend, no doubt about that (My best friend might be a tad bit jealous for saying this but who cares). She is only one year old but is the most understanding baby ever. Her hugs are so precious. Kids and babies are special like that. I hope you guys had a blast with your family.

I tried out various sweets from across the country that are special to their states. The food was honestly the most tastiest I have had. I lit lamps around the terrace of my apartment. I met so many new people, it was great to make new connections. I tried to stay away from my phone as much as possible and enjoy the festival. Social media has sort of created this pressure to post everything and people have started believing that only if they post will they truly show the world how happy they are.

Why should we show anyone or prove to anyone that we are happy? If we truly are happy we don't need to do all these materialistic things. Take pictures to preserve memories and cherish them later don't take it to post or show others that you are happy.

Now coming to the interesting part, I have noticed that many of you have been asking about my crush *trying not to blush but blushing profusely*

I made him smile again and this time we had a full-fledged conversation. Although he spoke minimally the conversation will always be engraved in my mind. He even cracked a joke teasing me. I do like him a lot and my goal is to remove that stupid frown from his face permanently and make him smile and laugh always. I call this a Diwali miracle.

Anyway, I learned that festival means habba in Kannada. Happy Diwali is Dipavali Subhasaaygalu in Kannada. I hope all of you have a happy and safe Diwali.

P.S. Did I have this conversation with my crush as the fireworks went off in the sky above me? Yes yes, I did and I can't stop thinking about it. *screams into the pillow* There were fireworks in the sky and within me haha. This Diwali I wish that you guys experience such a moment with the person you want to!

Have a great week guys!

anonymous love

A/N: Writing this blog was nice. I feel like I'm able to voice out a few things through Priyanka. This story is teaching me a lot of things.

I hope it made the same difference to you guys as well. I hope I was able to say things that make sense.

Also, Merry Christmas Guys! Have a good one!

Don't forget to vote and comment! That's the best gift you guys can give me ❤️

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