Spreading Love

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"Books can make you live a million lives in just one life! Books can give you comfort like no one else!"

"Books can make you live a million lives in just one life! Books can give you comfort like no one else!"

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Greetings Everyone!
I hope all of you are well. I hope you started your week with a boost of energy shot. I sure did! Started my week by visiting The Silver Fox bookstore. This amazing bookstore is on Church Street in Bangalore! I highly recommend it.

I got lost in between the aisles of books for hours. It just made me wonder how amazing it is that words, mere words on pages can transport you to other worlds! They can make you feel all the emotions and make you live a different life.

It's such a beautiful experience to read books. If you don't have a habit of reading I suggest that you pick it up. Just twenty pages a day of any book that you like. It can be the most life-changing thing ever.

Once I was done romancing in the bookstore. Oh, don't get any ideas here guys. I'm very much single! *Sighs sadly* I just imagined a scenario haha. I stumbled with my best friend into The Industrial and Technological Museum.

Oh my! What a fulfilling experience it was. I felt like a kid all over again. I squealed like a kid, my eyes got big with curiosity and awe. So much knowledge in every corner of that place! The kids were having a blast.

If you ever want to take your kids somewhere out on an educational adventure I highly recommend this place.

To end the day, I met a cute ten-year-old who brightened up my day. She became my friend and the best partner to roam around the museum. Kids are the best energy boosters. We should all channel our inner kiddish energy at times! They're hopeful and so full of love. We all need that!

Along with her, I met someone interesting and intriguing.

That's all for today! Hope you guys have an amazing week! Do let me know all the things you did today and the things that you will do throughout the week!

P.S. Also living in Bangalore has been an experience of a lifetime. I have started learning Kannada slowly. Aiyoo is my favorite word and I love calling my best friend Gube which means owl. Oh well, she usually looks like that when she sits down to paint for the entire night anyway. Owls are cute! But she tends to look like the devil's incarnation.

P.P.S. Hopefully she doesn't read my blog today. If she does then wish me luck! Also, let me know your favorite reads this week! Ciao!

anonymous love

A/N: When I started writing this book, I hadn't planned on writing these snippets of Priyanka's blogs. I'm glad I did now!

It's fun writing these! Let me know if you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it!

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