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Priyanka couldn't believe that Anurag was there. No wonder Revathi looked familiar to her. Sana was a spitting image of her mother.

Her heart thudded against her chest. Anurag's presence took her by surprise. It was crazy as to how many times they bumped into each other. It was as if destiny was trying to bring them together.

Priyanka frowned at that thought. It was weird that they kept bumping into each other. She shook her head and tucked her hair behind her ear.

She had a lot of questions that she wanted to ask but at the moment her brain was a chaotic mess. Not to mention the intense gaze of Anurag was making her more jittery and also slightly happy. He was looking at her! This wasn't the first time that she had caught him staring at her. 

"You never told me what exactly your work was," Anurag said and folded his arms across his chest. His muscles bulged under the long-sleeved shirt that he was wearing. She immediately looked away when he noticed her staring at him.

His question took aback Priyanka. "You never asked," Priyanka mumbled a reply and played with a piece of thread. She shifted her gaze discretely towards him. He was frowning once again. Stupid man, she screamed in her head. If he had asked her she would have told him.

Anurag felt a bit guilty. He had always been a bit rude and abrasive with her.  Sure he wasn't the most social person but he wasn't intentionally rude. He did not want to meddle with this beautiful mess. But it seems like the universe has other plans.

"Do you love gardens?" He asked her randomly. Priyanka immediately grinned and nodded enthusiastically.

"My Ma used to love gardening too. Back home we have a garden with almost all the vegetables growing." Anurag looked at her and smiled slightly. His heart once again twinged. She had lost her mother too.

"That's nice." He mumbled. Priyanka gave him a small smile and gazed back at the garden. She remembered the time she planted her first rose bush with her mother.

Anurag noticed her sad look and cleared his throat. "Mom told us, I'm sorry about your mother. She sounds like a lovely woman. It's never easy to lose your loved one and no matter how much people sympathize or try to console you that ache never disappears completely." Anurag stated while looking at the garden in front of him. His Ma's face flashed before his eyes.

Priyanka noticed the pain in his eyes but the next second it was gone and his blank expression returned. "Come on I'll show you the rest of the house," Anurag said and began walking before she could reply.

She sighed and followed him. They had a total of three floors. Sana's room was right next to his parent's room along with a office on the same floor. On the second floor, Anurag's and Aarav's rooms were there and they even had a practice room. The ground floor had one guestroom. The last floor had a terrace.

Priyanka smiled when she looked at some of the pictures that were hung as they climbed the stairs. A few of them were when Aarav and Anurag had won boxing competitions. Some were of them on vacation. In all the pictures Anurag barely smiled.

She grinned widely when one particular picture caught her attention. It was a picture of Anurag holding Sana when she was a baby and Aarav looked like he was cooing at her but what made her grin was the beautiful smile that Anurag had on his face.

She longed to witness his full, radiant smile. Sure she had seen him smile but it was not his complete smile. Anurag cleared his throat, and Priyanka snapped out of her thoughts and glanced at him. He raised his brows. "This is cute a picture," Priyanka said and pointed at the picture of the three siblings.

Destructive Love (#1)Where stories live. Discover now