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I leaned forward to brush away the leaves falling on Ma's grave. I placed the flowers on the grave and stood up. I pictured her bubbly face. Despite all the difficulties she faced being married to that bastard, she did not lose her smile when she was with Aarav and me.

I exhaled as the happy memories of her passed through my mind, and the dark ones started to play. I clenched my fists and a tear slid down my eye. I brushed it away immediately. My fingers tightened until I felt the prick of my nails on my palms. The urge to find him again and beat him to death intensified.

I closed my eyes tightly and shook my head. I had not felt this unhinged in a while, rage chroused through my veins. Ever since I stopped going to the underground matches it has been hard to control my anger at times. There were times when I still wanted to find him and end his life but none of these thoughts were worth acting upon. I took it upon myself to train harder, run harder, and push myself to the brink of exhaustion to not let these thoughts invade my head. Aarav's constant support and encouragement helped me. I continued to coach the younger ones at the Junior boxing club which kept me busy. Anger is not the solution, anger always leads to destruction.

I opened my eyes when I heard Aarav's voice. "Hey, are you okay?" He asked me and squatted down to place some flowers which he had gone to get a few minutes back.

I cleared my throat and gave him a slight nod. He did not look completely convinced with my answer but did not prod me with further questions. My phone vibrated. I pulled it out of my pocket and glanced at it briefly. It was a text from Priyanka.

"Did you look at the sky today!? It looks so beautiful! All the fluffy clouds were painted with shades of oranges and slight reds! It was not the same color yesterday! It reminds me that every day is a new beginning! Have a good day Anurag!"

I could not help the involuntary smile that made its way onto my face. Priyanka was another reason why it was easier to deal with my rage. Although it's been three days since I had last met and spoken to her, she never pushed me to meet her or even have a conversation in these three days.

The last we had a conversation was at the Puja after which I was completely swamped with practice and I don't want to admit it I was in a way avoiding her. I've had numerous thoughts swirling in my head, compounded by the pressure of the upcoming qualifying match.

I wanted to be sure of a few things before I met her. I sighed and sent her a thumbs up pretty much the only response to every one of her messages. She sent a poker face, I shook my head and smiled again.

I locked the screen and placed my phone back inside my pocket when I heard Aarav clear his throat, he stood a few feet away from me with his arms crossed across his chest. He smirked and tapped his chin waiting for me to answer his silent question.

"What?" I asked with a blank look and looked at the beautiful sky much like Priyanka had described.

"Red has you smiling again." I groaned softly and rolled my eyes.

"Nothing of that sort, I read some joke." Aarav laughed and shook his head.

"Since when did you start reading jokes? And when did you begin receiving notifications for them?" I shook my head maintaining a poker face. 

"Shut up!" I muttered.

Aarav chuckled again and walked towards me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. I internally groaned and had the urge to punch him but controlled it.

"Is there a reason why you are avoiding her?" He crossed his arms casually and stood beside me.

I frowned, "What? I'm not avoiding her!" I exclaimed and ran my fingers through my hair.

Destructive Love (#1)Where stories live. Discover now