Spreading Love

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"You need to be lucky to spend time with your family."

I often thought it wasn't pleasant to eat every day at the dining table with my family

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I often thought it wasn't pleasant to eat every day at the dining table with my family. I thought why is Ma making a big deal out of this? We see each other almost every other day. Why do we have to sit down and have a meal together?

But today I know the value of it. I know the value of sitting down with your family at the dining table. Discussing how your week went or how your day went means so much more than just a regular dinner at the table.

I remember how Ma never let Papa and I use our phones at the dining table. It was solely dedicated to talking and listening. I found it annoying at that time but now I give anything to get that one moment back again.

All these memories came back gushing because I had lunch with a friend's family today. It hit me with a load of emotions. It made me realize that everything in life is temporary. We might think that oh god we are doing the same thing again and again. This routine is never-ending. But you'll never know when this routine will change and your world will turn upside down.

I still remember the last time I had dinner with my mother. The happiness on her face. The excitement on her face as she shared about her day. The childlike glee on her face as she chattered about how important it is to eat as a family. It's been almost two years since I lost her and although I have tried to make peace with her absence sometimes these always make me miss her. I wish she were here to force me to sit down at the table. I wish she were here to scold me and drag me to the dining table.

But the reality is that she's not here. She's gone and no matter how hard I wish and pray for her presence I'm not going to get that with her.

This weekend try to spend more time with your families. Work is always going to be there. It's something that's not going to go anywhere. But the special moments with your family will not come always. They are something that you need to treasure because during hard times these moments will remind you of the love and strength that you have. They will remind you that no matter what you have people cheering for you, waiting for you and they are always there to shower unconditional love.

It's such an irony that we need to work to survive in this world but at the same time, this work is something that always pulls us away from our family. Don't let that happen. Try to find the balance between the two. Try to make time for them because one day when you look back, you will see you sitting in front of a laptop while your loved one asks for a few precious minutes to spend with you.

I swear I didn't want to make this blog this emotional but I think all of us need the remainder once in a while.

P.S. Today I learned that Anna is how you address your older brother and Akka means older sister in Kannada. This is how they address their older siblings in Kannada. Family means Kutumba. I'm truly enjoying learning Kannada!

Have a great week, guys!

Until next time! Take care!

anonymous love

A/N: I do think it's really important to spend time with our family. Making memories is the best thing ever!

Hope you guys have an amazing weekend this week!

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