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Warning:  Reader's discretion! Contains abuse and violence.


Life is easy for some people on the other hand it's difficult for most people. Some people get things handed to them on the platter. In contrast, the others need to fight for it. They have to fight for every single thing, every single day, and sometimes every second of their lives. 

Anurag who was merely ten years old ran as fast as he could. It was raining and cold. He panted as he felt the ice-cold water piercing through his skin. His feet splashed over the puddles as he ran across a series of houses in the slum area of Bangalore.

He winced when a sharp stone pierced through his feet but still kept running. His father drank today as usual and came home completely intoxicated. When his mother refused to give him the money for more alcohol that he wanted to buy he bashed her head against the glass cabinet. The glass shattered and cut through her body. 

He wanted to scream, tears streamed down his face. If only he and his fraternal twin, Aarav, had been at home, they might have been able to prevent this from happening. Unfortunately, it had occurred while they were away, and there wasn't anything either of them could do to stop it.

When they returned from school, all they could see was a pool of blood with their mother lying in it. The house had been trashed. The money she had painstakingly saved from working tirelessly as a housemaid to cover their school fees was gone, and her earrings and bangles were missing too.

They tried to stop the bleeding by holding a towel against the wound but the blood just kept flowing and flowing, soaking the towel thoroughly. They tried to wake her up but she didn't respond.  Anurag being the older twin asked Aarav to stay with their mother as he hurried out to get a doctor.

There was a clinic about two kilometers from their house. The clinic was run by Dr. Ram Khatri. He was a kind-hearted man who provided free treatment to all the underprivileged people.

Dr. Ram always had his suspicions about the atrocities of his father. He even urged them to get help numerous times but the situation was already complicated. His father was involved with the wrong people. If they took one misstep they would all be dead. Not to mention all the various threats that his father constantly threw at their mother had shaken her completely. Only for the sake of them, their mother continued living with that monster. 

"Help me! Please help me!" Anurag sobbed and entered his clinic. He was drenched in his mother's blood and shivering. Dr. Ram rushed towards him and tried consoling him. "Breathe Anurag, breathe." He guided Anurag to take deep breaths. Dr. Ram's wife Dr. Revathi Khatri who worked in the clinic along with her husband rushed towards Anurag. 

He panted and narrated the entire incident. Dr. Revathi gasped and tears filled her eyes. They called for an ambulance and immediately grabbed the first aid kit before driving towards Anurag's home on their bike.

Aarav came out of the house sobbing, soaked in blood. Their mother's blood but he also had a gash on his forehead. Dr. Ram and Revathi were already inside the house and started checking on their mother. "H-he came back and stomped on ma's stomach. I tried to stop him, Anurag. I tried to stop him but he pushed me."

Anurag's eyes filled with tears as they tried to save his mother. His mother Komal was a kind-hearted woman. The only mistake she ever made was to fall in love with this monster. Her parents disowned her when she married him against their wishes.

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