Spreading Love

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"Moments happen all the time, but the ones that are worth remembering will make you crave more such moments!"

"Moments happen all the time, but the ones that are worth remembering will make you crave more such moments!"

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There are times when life throws you off the rails. It makes you think and ponder upon the choices that you have made so far. I had the same feeling when I was pursuing my engineering. I knew that I didn't want to do it but at the same time, it felt like that was the best course to take at that time.

While coding wasn't my passion, I somehow completed the four years. There were tears, happiness, and also moments where I wanted to rip the pages of codes and stuff it up my obnoxious professor's ass haha I know that sounds a bit too much but that was how I felt when they made us feel like we weren't worth anything when in reality their real job was to look out for us and encourage us.

But despite the difficulties and hurdles I managed to complete engineering. As my course started coming to an end I realized that I did not want to take up a routine job. Not that it's bad, it works out fine and amazing for most people but the more I started pondering about it the more I realized that taking a job as a coder or anything related to engineering wasn't for me.

I chose to do something completely different. Although it shocked and annoyed the people in my life, I stuck with my decision. I wanted to help and make a difference. My mother too did that, which encouraged me to keep going.

If any of you are thinking about making some major career move or changing the entire course of life completely from the initial plan that you had made you should go for it. There will always be two outcomes, you will either succeed or you won't but whatever the result maybe you will at least be satisfied with the fact that you gave it a shot.

How would you know what the outcome will be if you don't even try it? So take a chance on yourself and your intuition. There's no such thing as practical dreams. Everything has its pros and cons but if your dream is close to your heart and worth working for why give it up just because the people around us are calling it silly or because they find it humorous or impractical? If you think about keeping everyone around you always happy and satisfied you will never be happy. Besides, you have to live your life, not the people around you who are passing comments and judgments.

You guys must be wondering why I'm saying all of this. Well, my best friend is finally going to pursue her passion. She is still scared and has not got everything figured out but I'm so happy for her! This is one of the big moments that has made this week memorable.

This week has been a whirlwind. It has been a mix of everything. I didn't go to a lot of places, I ended up working mostly from home. I was a bit stressed so I ordered a bunch of books and while getting them back I almost crashed into my crush with the book packages in my hand. He helped me and I saw an amused look on his face. I call that a win. I can see that many of you are asking about my status with him when my status with him equals Complications at its core! He's so infuriating that I want to punch him at times at the same time hug him tightly. Yeah, I know something is wrong with me! Send help! Sos! Lol!

All jokes aside he is truly someone special and I do like him a lot. *Hiding my face in the pillow and screaming.* He didn't avoid me after our previous interaction so I'm calling that a win.

There's another thing that I did this week which was making ramen with my best friend. Since the two of us had a busy week we barely got to hang out and have a conversation. So we made some delicious ramen sat down on our balcony and enjoyed our meal. We slurped on our noddles as the cool breeze touched our faces. We conversed about everything, it was serene.

This is my favorite moment too. This was me savoring a simple yet special moment with my best friend. Texting and talking on-call is fun but sometimes we the presence of our loved ones to know that we have a good support system. So we know that no matter what we have people who will always love and cherish us.

Make some ramen or any of your favorite food and have a good conversation with your loved ones. Stay away from your electronics and talk.

P.s. I learned that hesaru means name in Kannada! What's your hesaru? Comment down below!

anonymous love

A/N: Here's another snippet of Priyanka's blog! Honestly everything I have written here is from the bottom of my heart.

As for the engineering part that's based on real life events haha. My engineering experience wasn't the greatest but I did manage to make some fun memories.

Hope you guys liked this part! Please do vote and comment I would love to know what you guys think!

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