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I panted as sweat rolled down my forehead. "Come on come on! Don't stop. Keep going!" Amit Sir clapped his hand and commanded us to continue doing the squats with the barbell weights.

For the past couple of weeks, he had been pushing us harder than usual. The qualifying rounds for the Olympics that are going to be held next year will be starting in a month and a half.

Besides Aarav and I, Dhruv Iyer, Yash Shah, and Vikram Singhania were being trained by Amit Sir. People fought to be part of his training but Amit Sir worked differently. He chose the people he wanted to train. No one could budge his decision once he had made up his mind.

Over the two years, the five of us made a strong team. I wasn't social but it was easy to interact with them. Dhruv exhibited a similar level of annoyance as Aarav, while Yash brought the fun element, and Vikram maintained a serious demeanor; however, his playful side emerged occasionally.

After the intense round of squats, we continued with our workout for our legs. A boxer should have strong legs and core which in turn helps us in maintaining our balance. Which is very important for a boxer.

We were finally given a break for half an hour. It was almost one in the afternoon. I panted and sat on the long bench at the corner of the training room. "That was intense." Dhruv groaned grabbed his water bottle and sat beside me. I grunted and nodded. Yash and Vikram leaned against the wall panting trying to catch their breaths.

"It wasn't just intense man! It was brutal." Aarav groaned sitting on the other bench. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and neck.

"It's only going to get harder," I stated and they agreed guzzling down some water.

"True that," Vikram muttered and continued sipping his water.

I cracked my neck moving my head from one side to another. I think I had a catch while lifting the weights today. I rotated my shoulders and tried easing my thoughts to relax but the text from today morning wasn't helping at all.

There was an underground fight today and I was tempted to participate in it. The bar under which these matches took place was owned by Max. He always texted me when they conducted these fights. I used another sim to communicate with him.

Max was a bastard. Despite my warning him to not give me any more information about these matches he still sent them to me. He knew that I felt exhilarated by participating in these matches.

He made extra money on the days I participated. I had never lost a single match to this date. He made bets on me winning the match. For the past month, I hadn't played in any of these matches.

I was completely focused on my training and since the training has been intense I was exhausted by the end of the day. I was also busy helping Dad take care of a few things in his clinic. Sana has almost been coming thrice a week since she joined the painting classes. I had caught glimpses of Priyanka. She tried to initiate a conversation a few times I came to pick Sana up but I never responded to any of them. I usually nod my head and leave the place. It's better that way.

All these things have kept me occupied. For now, my rage was reined in. But I know that this won't last for long. I had taken Aarav's words seriously I was trying to stay away from those matches but I knew that it was only a matter of time before it would spurt out.

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