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The next day Priyanka was the first to show up near the hall, she stood there and waited for everyone to arrive. Sofia arrived a few minutes later. Priyanka looked around and pouted at her when she didn't find Sia.

"Where's my best friend Sofia? Why didn't you bring her?" Priyanka pouted, Sofia laughed and shook her head. "She's napping right now. Little Miss has been cranky the entire day. Come home after we finish with the decorations. I'm sure she'll be happy to see you."

"Sure." Priyanka laughed, they conversed for a few more minutes and finally, everyone arrived. Mrs. Menon opened the door. Priyanka glanced around, Anurag hadn't arrived yet. She decided to brush it off and focus on decorating.

The hall had already been decorated so they moved on to decorate outside and also the lobby area of the blocks. Priyanka grabbed a box of lights and began walking to the A block along with Noor and Kunal.

"Priyanka Di!" Noor whined. "I'm so scared about the exams! I'm freaking out!" Priyanka patted her arm.

"Noor relax take a deep breath okay? It'll all be fine!" Noor took a deep breath and nodded.

"Look I know at this moment this might seem like the biggest thing ever but remember that there are still many things that are going to come your way and you'll achieve everything that you desire." Noor sighed and nodded. They spoke about a few things generally, she told Priyanka about her debate competition and asked her for a few tips. Priyanka promised her that she would help her with the speech as well.

She was busy untangling a set of lights when she heard Kunal scream. "Hi, Aurag Bhai!" Priyanka looked up to find Anurag running his fingers through his hair with a frustrated look on his face. Although he seemed angry he pumped his fist with Kunal who seemed extremely happy to have gotten a greeting from Anurag. 

Priyanka watched as Anurag patiently listened to everything that Kunal said and patted his back in appreciation. Anurag was wearing a jacket and track pants, his hair was wet indicating that he had just gotten back from his practice. She averted her gaze immediately when he looked in her direction. Priyanka let out a shuddering breath, hoped that he hadn't caught her staring at him, and focused on the task of untangling the wire. 

"Priyanka Di we need to climb the ladder again," Noor said, Priyanka nodded and pushed the ladder to the other end. She was about to climb it and start hanging the lights when she heard Anurag call out for her.

"Let me do that, I can reach better. It will also save you from all the circus that you were doing yesterday."Anurag said casually, and his lips tilted in a smirk. Priyanka glared at him and shoved the lights into his hands. 

"Stupid Giraffe!" She muttered under her breath, her heart leaped as he let out a husky chuckle and climbed the ladder to hand the lights. She frowned when he did it effortlessly and jumped down the ladder dusting his hands. 

Kunal switched on the lights. Noor and Priyanka gasped as the lobby sparkled and gleamed with the lights and lanterns they had decorated. Priyanka sighed and folded her arms together placing them under her chin, Anurag glanced at her and his lips tilted slightly at the childlike glee that radiated from her face. Priyanka could feel his gaze on her, she grinned widely and looked at him he looked away immediately and cursed under his breath. Why was he like this in her presence? It was as if all the stress had left his body. Priyanka sighed at his nonchalant and cold behavior. 

Destructive Love (#1)Where stories live. Discover now