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"You're so annoying, Nyra!" I screeched, slamming the door of our flat behind me. Nyra raised her brows and closed the door. I plopped down on the couch and turned on the TV, crossing my arms over my chest and glaring at the screen.

I didn't want to attend that meeting but Nyra dragged me there. I'm mad at Anurag and I want to stay mad. I almost broke my mad streak today when I saw him glance at me. I think he hoped I would greet him, but he's out of luck. Well, tough luck buddy not going to happen that soon. Why must he be so discrete with his expressions?

"Are you still angry with him? Don't you think this is a bit too much Priyu?" Nyra asked and removed the scarf from around her neck. I frowned and changed the channels trying to find a good movie to watch.

When I didn't answer Nyra snatched the remote from my hand and muted the television. "You aren't someone who holds a grudge for so long." She said and raised her brow.

I stood up and walked to the dining table. I poured myself a glass of water and gulped it down. "He was so mean Nyru! It hurt more than it should have." I sighed and bit my lip. I probably should have filtered out that part. She is never going to stop teasing me now.

I fluffed my hair with my fingers and looked at Nyra who wiggled her brows. "Shut up! Not one word!" Nyra chuckled and pretended to zip her lips.

I sat down beside her and played with the blanket on the couch. I jerked when I felt a pinch on my shoulder. "Go on I know there's something you are not telling me."

I tucked my legs and turned to face her. "I asked him to be my friend." I rolled my eyes when Nyra squealed and clapped her hands. I pouted when she hit my arm.

"You told me everything and didn't tell me this." I shrugged my shoulder and pulled out a thread from the blanket.

"He didn't exactly acknowledge it cause we were interrupted and then all of a sudden he was rude to me." I sighed and put my head on the couch.

"Priyu Anurag is kind of reserved he's always like that why was it different this time?" She asked, I let out a breath.

"I know that but this time when he suddenly turned cold it hurt that's all," I said and turned to look at the television.

"Yeah, you have it bad," Nyra said and laughed. I frowned and shook my head.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You know what I mean. I think you should think of implementing what one of your blog readers said." I waited for her to complete her sentence.

"Go and kiss him Priyu! It'll solve half your problems." I gasped and hit her with a pillow. She laughed trying to dodge them. I threw it in her face and glared at the television.

"You like him way more than you think," Nyra said and began teasing me by chanting Anurag's name continuously. I groaned and buried my face under the blanket.

"Stop. I don't want to hear it." I screeched, I hit Nyra with a pillow again and stood up. She chuckled and shook her head. I walked away to my room and grabbed my laptop. I made myself comfortable on the couch. I was finally able to submit the article. It exceeded my expectations by a significant margin. The article was mainly to describe some of the achievements of the new company. I also gave some meaningful insights. I was happy when I got a reply saying that they were happy with my work and appreciated the extra insights that I had given.

As of now, all my work is complete, but I needed a distraction so I started working on my next assignment. I had already made some notes for my recent writing assignments and I had also checked in with Tripti. Everything was going well with the Foundation Trust. Books were ordered for some of the orphanages. All I had to do was send a few emails to the people in the team and I was set.

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