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Priyanka got up early in the morning the next day. She had to prepare for the meeting she had with the company Blue Pen. They mainly focused on writing articles about various topics, they provide writing services to various brands and companies too along with that they also had their own publishing house as well. As far as she read the mail it said that she was selected for the current writing project and if they liked her work and the article that she will write they would hire her full time.

She read the mail again and made some coffee for herself and Nyra. The mail instructed her to go to the main office and meet HR to complete a few formalities after which her first assignment will be assigned to her. Priyanka sighed and opened the last text from Anurag. She hesitated for a moment but then quickly sent him a good morning text.

She waited for a couple of minutes to see if he would come online and reply but there was no luck. She locked her screen and sat on the dining table thinking about everything that had happened last night. She sipped her coffee and was lost in her thoughts when Nyra shook her shoulders. Priyanka jerked almost spilling the rest of her coffee.

"I have been continuously calling your name for the past minute. Are you nervous about today?" Nyra asked and sat down next to her best friend.

Priyanka cleared her throat, she hadn't told Nyra about last night's events. "No, I'm not nervous about the job." Nyra smiled at her and patted her shoulder. She was happy for Priyanka, this was a huge opportunity and would open a lot of doors for her.

"Then what is it?" Nyra asked and drank her coffee. Priyanka scratched her forehead slightly and took a deep breath before telling her about everything that had happened last night. Nyra let out a huge breath and blinked her eyes several times.

"Wow, that's a lot of information to take in," Nyra said and stood up walking towards the kitchen.

"Is he okay now?" Nyra asked as Priyanka followed her to the kitchen. Priyanka nodded hesitantly.

"I think so, he seemed fine last night except for a few injuries." Nyra nodded and whipped some breakfast for the two of them.

"Why didn't you wake me up last night? I would have come with you!" Nyra said and glared at her friend.

"Nyru you had a long day and I remember the last time I tried to wake you up in the middle of the night, you hit me with the pillow and screamed at me to leave you alone." Priyanka laughed while Nyra hit her with a spatula but chuckled softly. She didn't like anyone messing with her when she was asleep, especially after a long day.

"Anyway, how is Anurag now? Did you call him again?" Nyra asked and placed a dosa on a plate and passed it to Priyanka who thanked her silently and began eating.

"We spoke but I didn't want to push him last night. All his answers were very discreet. Honestly Nyru I-I it was hard watching him that way." Priyanka shuddered slightly when she remembered the haunted look on his face.

Nyra nodded and placed another dosa on her friend's plate. "He will talk when he is ready Priyu," Nyra said. They ate breakfast and chatted for causally for a few minutes.

Priyanka washed the utensils and frowned when she caught Nyra smiling at her phone. These days there were a lot of times when she caught Nyra smiling at her phone.

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