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I jumped on my feet lightly, sweat rolled down my forehead. I panted and wiped them with my forearm, practicing the punches and techniques that were taught today.

"Again! Show me that punch again." Amit Sir commanded behind me. It was as if he was hovering right behind me. I heaved a breath and threw another punch.

"Stay." He commanded, I panted and stood still in the crouched position. I have been training for almost five hours continuously with minimal breaks. Amit Sir has decided to pay all the attention to me today. Indeed it's my lucky day!

My legs and arms burned. But it wasn't anything new. I can handle the pain but I need at least a ten-minute break right now. He applied pressure to my back and adjusted my arm to the correct posture

He crouched in front of me with a stoic expression on his face. "I can see that you are angry, but that has never been a problem for you before. You have always controlled your emotions but for the past two days, you seem to be angrier and have no control over it. Don't let it consume you. Focus Anurag Focus. Channel it in the right way."

He was right, ever since I texted Abhinav last week I've been angry all the time. I still had not heard back from him. I almost shouted at Sana the other day. I hated myself for it. Sana did not notice anything instead she hugged me and told me to take care of myself. I ran for hours that day. I wanted to destroy something badly but I can't go back to the underground matches.

To add to that I was feeling guilty for shouting at Priyanka. It wasn't fair for her to be on the receiving side of my anger. What bothered me the most was that she had been ignoring me. Which again wasn't her fault, I was an asshole. But no matter how many times I was cold with her she always greeted me or tried to make some small talk with me but for the past week, she hadn't done either.

Whenever I came to pick up Sana this week it was always Nyra who greeted me and although Priyanka was present in the room she never bothered to greet me back all she did was wave at Sana, give me a stare, and go back to doing her work. Why should that affect me anyway? It's not like we are friends or anything for that matter! My sister only learned painting from her friend and that's about it. We are barely acquaintances.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Amit Sir's voice. "Take a break and then you're playing a match with me." Oh fuck! Matches against him are never easy. Even after all these years, he's fast and agile. The man is a legend that can rip you apart.

"Okay," I said and stood up. I rotated my shoulders and cracked my knuckles. I sat on the bench and wiped the sweat that was dripping down my forehead and arms with a hand towel. Aarav sat beside me and passed me a bottle of water. I took it from him and gulped down the entire bottle in one go.

He leaned against the wall and scratched his chin. I sighed, he was going to ask me again. "Now are you going to tell me what's happening with you? Why do you seem angrier than usual?" I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. I didn't want him to worry about me.

"Ever since I had that nightmare I am just feeling a bit unhinged. I know he can't harm us ever but I'm angry Aarav. I'm so so fucking pissed. The way he treated Ma. He killed her! And yet he's alive somewhere out there. I'm so mad. I want to, I don't know! I should have saved her! I should have been better at protecting her. I should have taken the blow instead of her."

I panted and my eyes burned. Talking about everything that I was feeling aloud was not easy. I didn't like to be vulnerable.

"You know I felt the same way for a long time. But Anurag we were only kids. He was way bigger and stronger than us Ma would have protected us regardless. She would have protected us always. As for him being alive, we can't stop living our lives and obsess over that, a vile person like him even alive is equivalent to dead. Let it go, Anurag."

Destructive Love (#1)Where stories live. Discover now