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I sneezed for the nth time today and grimaced as my nose continued to run. I pulled out a tissue from the tissue box and wiped my nose. My head hurt and my eyes were continuously tearing up. I hadn't felt this horrible since the last time I fell sick and that was a long time ago.

It was only yesterday that the Diwali vacation ended and here I am already extending my vacation. I wanted to work today but the first thing I did when I woke up was sneeze at least a hundred times.

The smoke and pollution have increased for the past few days because of the ongoing celebrations. I had stood close to the crackers that had burst yesterday. That was probably why I ended up getting this stupid cold. I had an inkling yesterday after I came home but I was so tired that I forgot to take the medicine and fell straight on the bed.

I sneezed again but this time it was followed by a cough. I sighed and pulled the duvet over my head. "Hey Priyu! Are you feeling any better?" I pulled the duvet away from my face when I heard Nyra's voice.

"No! Not one bit. Instead, I feel worse! I hate this Nyru!" Turning the other side, I whined and pulled the pillow close to my chest. How nice would it be to get a hug from my boyfriend, but unfortunately I did not have one. Anurag's face flashed in my mind, I frowned and shook my head.

"I already told you that you will feel better if you drink this ginger mix the special kadha that my mom has recommended. Trust me within an hour your throat and nose will clear." I groaned and shook my head. I remember her forcing me to drink it the last time I had a cold. The taste was horrible I almost threw up, I hate to admit this but after some time I did feel better.

But I still refuse to drink it. "Go away, Nyra! The cough syrup tastes better than this, I don't want to drink this right now." I muttered and closed my eyes. I heard Nyra chuckle.

"Priyu you are such a kid! I will not force you for now." I groaned and buried my face inside the pillow. I could feel my eyelids getting heavier and before I knew it I was in deep slumber. I don't know how long I was asleep when I felt my phone vibrate next to me. I opened my eyes slowly and sneezed again. I wiped my nose with a tissue and answered the call.

"Hello," I muttered and let out a cough.

"I see you still did not drink that kadha." I frowned and looked at the caller ID, it was Nyra.

"Why are you calling me? Where are you?" I asked her as I pushed the duvet from my legs and stood up. I stretched and sighed as my muscles felt a bit relaxed and my headache had reduced too.

"I had to go to the office for an important meeting. Anyway, drink that kadha Priyu and also eat something before you take the medicines." I hummed and sat on the chair near my study table with my palm against my face.

"Also Sana will be coming home in about five minutes. She wants to collect some of her paintings. I have placed them on my table. Could you please have it over to her?" I coughed lightly and hummed again.

"Okay, I will give them to her," I muttered and sniffed.

"Ohh another thing." I frowned as her voice suddenly turned cheerful, with a hint of teasing tone.

"Sana is being accompanied by one of her brothers, just thought you might want to know that, okay bye Priyu. Take care." I gasped coming completely out of my slumber. I racked my brain wondering which brother she was referring to but then I realized that it had to be Anurag as she was teasing me. It was as if someone had thrown ice-cold water on me while she laughed before hanging up. I tried to call her again but Nyra did not answer my call. Instead, I received a text from her stating that her meeting had begun with a wink emoji.

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