Chapter 4

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Taehyung was petting a cute injured dog while cooing at him every now and then "i wish i could adopt him...he is just too cute" he said with a huge pout on his face "Then adopt him... I am sure Kookie will love him " Jimin, Taehyung's best friend and soulmate said while playing a game on his phone..."Yeah so that my beloved brother can throw me out of the house... I will pass" Jimin rolled his eyes... "He won't... All you have to do is convince Yoongi Hyung... Three on one... And your brother will be helpless..."

Taehyung sighed loudly "Don't underestimate my Jin hyung... one glare from him will make Yoongi hyung shut his mouth" Jimin chuckled at his best friend's words... he is very well aware of the terror Jin has in the Min-Kim family...

"That's because he loves him... But let's be practical... Yoongi Hyung also loves you and Kookie... So if you use your share of love and add Kookie's share along with yours... Hyung will automatically on your side and- die bitch" Jimin said with a huge smile after beating his opponent

"Okay...I will try my best to convince hyungie, anyways have you had your dinner?" He asked knowing the older by few months usually forgets to eat being to engaged with his games and as he thought, Jimin shook his head "I wasn't hungry when you called"

Taehyung flicked the older male's head "You idiot why didn't you tell me earlier? I could have brought something for you"

Jimin and Taehyung kept bickering while walking out of the shelter but before they could move further a car stopped in front of them... And a drunk men came out being followed by others

"Hey bitches what's up"

Taehyung and Jimin ignored the remark but then one of those men came in front of Jimin and scanned him from head to toe. He harshly grabbed his neck and leaned forward to kiss him but Jimin immediately gave him a headbutt... Making the man stumble and hold his bleeding nose... "You bitch" all the guys came towards the best friend duo but to their bad luck...Both Taehyung and Jimin were good at defending themselves... It was Jimin's idea to join the self defence camp and then the fighting club for situations like this...

Soon all of them were laying on the ground being either unconscious or too injured to get up, Taehyung giggled softly "that was a fun workout"

"And now... I am hungry..." Jimin said while giggling along with Taehyung... They both made their way towards the restaurant...

In YoonJin's bedroom-

Yoongi was playing with Jungkook who was laughing at the goofy faces "I am notch kid" he said but still laughed every time "But for your appa and dadda you will always be a kid" Jin said while entering the room he smiled at Yoongi and say beside his little wave of happiness before kissing him all over his face "now it's time for my kookie to sleep"

"No" Jungkook yelled and started wiggling in Jin's hold... His goal is to hide behind his dad... Jin rolled his eyes "stop wiggling, it's already past your bedtime baby" Tears brimmed in Jungkook's eyes... His lips started quivering... The kid was seconds away from bursting out in tears... Jungkook lifted 3 fingers and said "5 minues pwease" Jin chuckled and pulled his other two fingers out as well "that was three... now it's five... and fine you can have 5 more minutes but not a minute extra after that, got it?" Jungkook immediately got out of his grasp and sat on Yoongi's stomach... "Dadda... We goch 5 minutes'' Yoongi smiled and kissed his cheek "and what you wanna do in the given?"

The older male looked at them with so much love... "If you guys don't mind, can I join in?" Yoongi started laughing... "You don't have to ask, Love" Jin smiled, he picked Jungkook up and made him sit in his lap "so what are we gonna play little kid" Jungkook started thinking but the food and warm milk he drank a few minutes ago were already doing the work... Hence, all the five minutes he spent on thinking and in the process he fell asleep and fell on Jin's stomach... Both the older men were chuckling at the antics of their son... That's when Yoongi's phone started vibrating... "You put him in the bed... I have to take this'' he whispered in Jin's ear before kissing the soft flesh... the older of two nodded and gave his husband a peck on his lips "I will wait for you" and winked at him before picking jungkook up to tuck him in the bed Yoongi waited for Jin to leave and went into the balcony to pick the call...


"Your work is done....they are in the basement right now begging for their dear lives"

"Good... Anything else?"

"Yes few boys tried to harass your brother-in-law but they were knockout by him"

"Hmmm... Were they in a car or walking by?"

"They were in a white maruti car with xx-yy-xx number plate"

"Okay... You know what to do"

Saying that Yoongi cut the call and looked at the sky... Moon and stars were covered with grey clouds... That's when he felt two hands wrapped around his stomach and a face resting on his shoulder "you are late" Yoongi smiled... Unlike other people... He is blessed with a moon and 2 stars in his life... "Sorry babe... I was just discussing the new program we are launching for those who can't afford a basic education..."

The older male hummed "That's nice...and don't be sorry work always comes first" Jin said leaving open mouth kisses on his beloved husband's neck Yoongi titled his head to give more access to his husband... "Want to have balcony sex?" Jin chuckled against Yoongi's pale and now red flesh... "our neighbours can see us" the older male said while biting and licking Yoongi's neck... the younger male turned around and picked Jin up... "You are right... I don't want anyone to look at your beautiful Body... It is only for me..." He smacked Jin's butt making the older male smile and hid his face in the crook of Yoongi's neck...

It's funny how Jin looks so dominating and alpha male with a big body but at the same time... He only dominates as long as Yoongi wants him to... The pale man is the quiet one in the relationship and that gives a sign that he is the ultimate dom... He gently placed Jin on the bed and looked at him with hungry eyes... Those brown orbs were filled with Lust and love... Jin looked straight into Yoongi's eyes... he bit his lips seducingly and motioned his husband to come closer...

Yoongi hovered over him and Jin didn't waste a second and pulled him into a heated, hungry kiss which made Yoongi smirk... His hand slipped under Jin's pajama shirt and made its way up to the older's puckered bud... Jin moaned at the touch of his husband's cold hand... Yoongi instantly removed their clothes before pushing the older male back and soon the room was filled with Jin's infinite moans and Yoongi's praises and grunts...

Morning rolled in and Jin was making breakfast when Yoongi walked into the living room... Jungkook was on Taehyung's lap watching some weird show on TV...

"Good morning beautiful people" Yoongi said before kissing Jungkook's cheek and Taehyung's head... He sat beside them and picked the newspaper... Jin brought the coffee for him and pecked his lips before going back to the kitchen " Dadda~" Jungkook mumbled "Baby" Yoongi said and watched how the toddler crawled over Taehyung's lap and sat on his thigh "We vell go to pickdick tuday write?(we will go to picnic today right?)" His big, curious eyes were looking for the confirmation which he got with Yoongi's reply "Of course baby... Dadda has already planned everything..." The older male looked at Taehyung before asking "You don't have college today, right?"

The teenager shook his head "Nope, I don't but I have some pending assignments to do... you guys go and have fun" Jungkook made an angry face... "TaeTae vell come" wasn't a request... It's a statement... And Everyone in the family knows that if Jungkook wants something... Nobody can stop him from having it... Yoongi smiled "come on Tae... Just for one hour... Or you want me to tell Jin to bring you with us?"

Tae immediately nodded his head multiple times "No no no...i will come..i don't want my poor ear to turn red that too early in the morning"

Yoongi and Jungkook giggled... That's when the News anchor started talking about the accident that took place at 2 in the morning...

A white Maruti Ciaz due to over speeding got crashed and all 5 men died...

*No proofread*

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