Chapter 54

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Yoongi was playing with Jungkook in the living room when tired SeokJin walked in through the main door... Jungkook jumped from his Dadda's lap and ran towards his Appa…Jin chuckled and immediately picked him up and jungkook started kissing all over his face "miss chu appa"

Jin left a big kiss on Jungkook's cheek... "I missed you too baby..." He loves Jungkook more than anything in this world... After losing his first unborn child in an unfortunate accident... he wasn't sure if he will ever conceive... And in all honesty, when he found out he was pregnant...

SeokJin did freaked out... It was like all of his nightmares coming true... He had so many sleepless nights which Yoongi is unaware of... Or the time when he was doubtful on whether or not he wants a child... But Yoongi and Taehyung made things really easy for him... They fulfilled his each and every demand and finally he welcomed the most beautiful person in the world...

The moment Jin held Jungkook close to himself he felt guilty of having second thoughts regarding the child... And in that very moment he promised himself to love his child unconditionally... And protect him from all the bad things in the world…"Will chu play with dadda and tukiee?" He looked at Jin with hopeful eyes even though he clame his favourite as Yoongi and Taehyung but in reality a day without any of the three feels unbearable to him he can't imagine his life without any of his three parents... specially with Jin ,yes they do fight like siblings all the time but  a day without fighting with his Appa feels extra lone...maybe that's the reason why he acts so bratty around his Appa so that all his Appa's attention automatically shifts towards  him…

Jin smiled and nodded his head... "Sure... Let me go fresh up and then we will play" he kissed Jungkook's forehead before putting him down... only to pulled by his husband who left a sweet kiss on his lips before saying "welcome home babe"Jin smiled and pulled him into a passionate kiss "thanks love"saying that he left to fresh up.....Yoongi looked at Jungkook before wiggling his eyebrows "So... Icecream?" Jungkook immediately jumped on him while hugging his neck "yesh yesh please yeash"Yoongi smiled and placed Jungkook on his hip before Walking towards the kitchen...

He started putting ice cream in three bowls before placing a little bit on Jungkook's nose…Making jungkook scrunch his nose but then he started giggling....he then motioned Yoongi to come closer..Which the older male surely did…And he took a chunk of ice-cream in his hands and rubbed it all over his dadda's face

The older male gasped from the sudden coldness and an evil smirked made its way on Yoongi's lips before he started rubbing his face on Jungkook's cheeks.."Dadda cold" saying that he took a little more ice-cream from his bowl and gave his dadda a perfect ice-cream facial…But they stop when Jin cleared his throat... "Kindly wash your faces and the mess you have created, right now" and he turned back on his heels...

Yoongi looked at Jungkook "see what you have done baby"....Jungkook have him a cheesy smile "sorrie but chu started it" then kissed his dadda's cheeks "but no worries tukkie bill help chu clean up afterall tukiee ish the incharge right"....

Yoongi chuckled and picked his son up... funny how A kid who still needs his Appa to pick a dress for him talks like fully grown man... They washed there faces before going into the living room with ice cream Bowls... Jungkook immediately sat on Jin's lap and waited for his appa to feed him... He most certainly needs attention from everyone in the house…

Jin feed him the first bite and when he was about to take a bite jungkook showed his innocent bambi eyes and opened his mouth indicating jin to feed him....Jin sighed and feed him the spoon full of ice cream but then again when jin tried to take a bite jungkook's innocent eyes hypnotise him and he ended up feeding both the bowl to jungkook…Yoongi watched the entire scene with a smile... How did he got so lucky to have a family like this? He thank all the gods to bring Jin in his life…When he saw Jungkook falling asleep he passed his bowl of ice cream to Jin and picked his baby up after placing a kiss on Jin's lips….

Yoongi tucked his baby inside the duvet then kissed his forehead before returning back to jin....when he entered the living room he saw jin was crying watching a movie...he was so into the movie that he didn't even took out the spoon he was holding in his mouth…

Yoongi chuckled and sat beside Jin before pulling the spoon out of his mouth and wiped his husband's tears... "You really are a kid from heart"Jin angrily glared at him with a big pout looking adorable but then he turned towards the direction of the movie while putting his head on his husband's shoulder "you are lucky that i love you"

This statement brought a huge smile on Yoongi's lips... He pulled Jin more closer to himself "I really am lucky... Thank you for loving me... Thank you for coming in my life... Thank you for accepting my proposal... Thank you for marrying me... Thank you for giving me the biggest happiness of my life in the form of Jungkook... Thank you for Taehyung and a big thank you for always being there for me... I love you so much Dr. Min SeokJin" he said all that while kissing SeokJin's head continuously…

That was more than it for him to burst out in tears...Yoongi is not the lucky one...he is...he came to older's life when he had lost all his faith in life..his each and every attempt to win over elder's heart in a way help his untouched wounds to heal the wounds he never want to remember......if it wasn't for Yoongi Jin wouldn't have overcome his postpartum depression....he can't express in words how much he loves that pale man

"i should be the one thanking you for loving me, giving  Taehyung the family which he deserves.... bringing light to my dark life...i can't thank you enough Min Youngi...i love you "The said male made Jin look up and captured his lips in a kiss full of love, passion, care, want, trust and companionship... It is rare for both of them to express their feelings in words...

But they both know none of them can live without each other... They are two body and one soul... It is impossible to separate them but if the time comes... The safe heaven both of them have created will turn into a hell

*No Proofread*

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