Chapter 30

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He immediately threw the cigarette and gave a cheesy smile to him "I have a assignment to do....i should go"

"You are in your own room, Tae" Yoongi stated the obvious "Yeah right...i should start studying then" witn that he immediately sat on his study desk and opened his books

Yoongi walked behind him and wrapped his arms around the younger's neck from behind... "What is bothering you, baby?" He asked while keeping his chin on Taehyung's head Tae sighed "Remember i once told you about an asshole who i tried to help....he showed up today and started asking for his forgiveness....i felt bad when he started crying but again i don't wanna forgive him" Yoongi hummed in response... "You never told me what he did... Was he behaving rudely to you?"

"Leave it hyung...i don't even want to think about it" saying that he turned to Yoongi and hid his face on his brother-in-law's stomach Yoongi caressed Taehyung's hair... "Baby... If he is giving you a hard time... Tell Hyung... I will beat the shit out of him... Okay?"

He put his head out of yoongi's stomach and gave him his big boxy smile "i have already destroyed  his upcoming generation hyungie....don't worry i am more than capable to beat the shit out of that asshole if needed"

Yoongi chuckled "of course, my baby is strong... Now, come let's have dinner first... Your brother already ditched me today... Duty call"

"No worries we can be your date for tonight....but for that i have few conditions from both my and Kookiee's behalf" Yoongi raised his eyebrow "I am not allowing you to smoke... And if I saw a single ash of cigarette... I will surely make posters of your pictures"

"Noo no no no noo....i wasn't asking for it...i swear...not really but didn't even listen to my conditions that's not fair" he made a sulky face with a big pout plastered on his face "okay... What is it?" He tucked Taehyung's locks behind his ear

Buy both of us ice-cream after dinner and i want no i need cuddles... Yoongi smiled... "Deal... But... Promise me you won't smoke from now on... It is not good for you... I am long gone in this shit... But please I don't want you to get addicted to it" Tae pulled his pinky out "promise just please don't tell this to Jin hyung...i don't want my precious butt ,ear and cheeks to turn red...i will look ugly monkey" he looked at Yoongi with his big doe eyes and with a big pout The older male laughed "I won't... Now, let's go before SeokJin 2.0 starts crying"

Tae made a grabby hands towards the older indicating he wants a piggyback ride Yoongi shook his head but bent down for Taehyung to hoop on his back..."no doubts you are our first child" he kissed Taehyung's cheek whose face was peeping over Yoongi's shoulder…Tae hugged him tighter and said while rubbing his cheek with the elder's one"No no i am your first child....and Jin Hyung is my first child"

They both laughed and the family had a peaceful dinner like always... While they were missing the presence of the oldest one... Afterwards, Yoongi and Jungkook slept in the elder's bedroom... While, Taehyung spent half of the night completing his work... When he concluded that it was finally the time to hit the bed... He stood up and saw a pack of cigarettes on his side table... He picked it up and after a good amount of consideration and self promise... He threw the pack in Dustbin... "anything for my family"


On the other hand... Hoseok was Traumatised by Namjoon's recent food cravings... The younger male was literally eating sweet potato and Bulgogi drizzled in chocolate sauce….He was moaning with every bite. That's when he suddenly felt some weird feeling on his throat and immediately ran towards the washroom to throw up Hoseok was right behind Namjoon... Who was throwing up everything he ate... The older male was patting his head ... After what feels like eternity he finished his business and rested his head on Hoseok's shoulder, too tired to even wash his face..

Hoseok picked him up immediately and made him settle down in the bathtub... He removed Namjoon's clothes…The coldness of the water made him feel a lot better. He looked at Hoseok who was already looking at him with worried eyes....

He gave the elder a reassuring smile making Hoseok sigh "I told you not to eat all that disgusting combination... Now see what happened... I will go call the doctor" the older male tried to stood up

But the younger hold his hand tight "It's nothing serious....don't worry it probably happened due to over eating" "But you look pale" Hoseok said the truth... The younger one looks like all the colour has drained from his body. "Then why don't you kiss it better?" He giggled...

Hoseok narrowed his eyes "I am being serious here" "relax i am a strong will get better soon" saying that he pulled the older a bit closer "it's been long we had a bath together....common join in"

Hoseok sighed and pulled away... Namjoon thought that the older male was going to leave him but a smile made it's way on his face when Hoseok started removing his clothes... Namjoon moved forward so that the older can settle down behind him... Hoseok wrapped his arms around Namjoon's waist and pulled him on his lap...

"We will go to the doctor tomorrow" he stated while leaving open mouth kisses on Namjoon's shoulder... Sucking the water droplets on the skin that was turning red…

Namjoon turned around facing Hoseok and wrapped his arms around the elder's neck while hiding his face on his chest "It's nothing serious hyung don't worry....and also our schedule is full for tomorrow so it's a no we aren't going to any doctor "Saying that he made their members collide with one another..

Hoseok hissed at the filling and immediately put his 2 fingers in Namjoon's hole…Making him moan....soon the younger started leaving butterfly kisses on elder's neck…Soon the fingers got replaced by Hoseok's dick…And Namjoon started moving his hips skillfully…Just like that a simple bath turned into a hot sex with lots of sinful yet beautiful moans

Next  morning rolled sooner than expected especially for Jin who just returned after a long tiring shift…He first went to check on his brother who was snoring loudly and then he walked into his bedroom to meet with the most beautiful sight of his husband cuddling their son and both the Mins had their mouths opened... Making them look cuter than usual…He immediately pulled his phone out and started clicking pictures of the duo.... but the sound of the click disturbed the toddler's sleep and he started crying making the elder Min wake up as well…

Jungkook snuggled into Yoongi chest while crying loudly making the pale man patt his head and mumbling sweet nothings... That's when his eyes landed on the tall figure who was looking at them with a guilty pout...

Yoongi motioned Jin to come closer…He came closer to his kid and his husband and softly hugged his baby "it's nothing sweety...appa is sorry appa just wanted to click a picture of his baby with his dadda....see how cute you both are looking" with that he started showing him those pictures and soon his cries died and replaced with small giggles…

Yoongi smiled and kissed Jungkook's cheek... He moved up and little to capture those tempting lips as the owner of them plum cherries was busy in showing the pictures and with that kiss all older's tiredness just vanished replacing with the satisfaction feeling the warmth of his dear husband....he can work endless nights if he get this smoothing kiss in the form of welcome

Jungkook whined when the two older's squeezed him in between…"chu move away...i can't brand" Yoongi and Jin pulled away and started laughing that Jungkook's angry face... The oldest of them kissed his baby's forehead and then his husband's before standing up... "I will go get fresh... You guys go back to sleep" with that he disappeared into the bathroom leaving Yoongi and Jungkook to stare at his fading figure... "Wanna help me with breakfast?" Yoongi asked his champ…

Jungkook giggled and patted yoongi's head "what bill chu do without me" Yoongi gasped started rubbing his head on Jungkook's stomach "you naughty kid…"

*No Proofread*

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