Chapter 117

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Hoseok was sceptical about entering his mother's room... He hasn't seen her in years... And now she is in there... He has no clue how to talk... What to say... What to do

"Are you literally gonna make your pregnant boyfriend stand for this long?" Namjoon asked with his arms crossed to his chest…

The older male shook his head before taking Namjoon's hand and walking in the room... His mother was rest on the bed with her eyes closed... "What should I do?" He whispered in the younger's ear…

Namjoon smile and make him seat next to Hana's bed and whispered " for now make yourself comfortable in her presence"The older male nodded... Their whispering broke Hana's sleep and she opened her eyes before blinking them multiple times to get used to the light and her surroundings...

"H-Hoseok" her voice was rough and barely above whisper but she had the biggest smile on earth... Namjoon noticed how the lady's lips formed a heart…

Her smile brought a huge smile on Hoseok's face as well "how are you feeling eomma" his voice cracked...he bite his lips to prevent himself from crying like a child but when he felt his eomma's soft thin hand on his cheek he couldn't help but burst out crying like a 3-year old....the same way how he use to cry when Sehun use to scold him and he useto hide himself in his eomma's embrace complaining how big of a meanie his appa is….

"y-you are st-ill th-e s-same" she said and then her eyes caught the sight of taller male...

Hana stared at Namjoon for a while making the latter feel uncomfortable and self-conscious... Does he look bad? He should have changed into something decent rather than plain tshirt and sweatpants... He ruined the first impression on his future mother-in-law but the moment he heard Hana's words... Namjoon's eyes grew wide... "Yo-u look-just your m-mother... Nam-joon-ah"

" mother?" He asked in utter shock…."sh-e w-was my b-best fri-end... We liter-ally gr-ew up toge-ther... T-there is no w-way I wo-n't rec-ogni-se her in y-you" Hana said while holding her crying baby

Mentioning his mother's name brought tears in his...he wanna ask more about his mother...he wanna know how she was like...what are her likings and disliking...did she ever really loved him or all those things where in his head ...but this is not the right moment....his boyfriend have finally met his mother after should be their special he smiled and slightly bowed at her and was about to leave the room to give mother-son duo some privacy

"where are you going baby?" Hoseok asked while holding Namjoon's wrist…"Umm...i guys might wanna spend some time together so.." he awkwardly responded

Hoseok pulled him closer and wrapped his arm around Namjoon's waist... "Eomma... NamjoonismyboyfriendAndheisixweekspregnantalsoIamgoingtomarryhimsoon".....Namjoon mentally facepalmed himself for Hoseok's cutely nervous behaviour....

Where as Hana giggled and spread her amrs for both hoseok and Namjoon to give her a hug....when they immediately did....she kissed both of their foreheads "i am so ha-appy fo-or you bo-oth " Hoseok and Namjoon looked at each other before shyly looking down... They are so grateful to have their mother's blessings...


Jin gained his consciousness back and his eyes immediately caught the sight of Mrs. Min and Jungkook was sitting on his bed looking at his appa with Wide eyes….Jungkook immediately hugged him "Appa tukkiieeee baby...thank chu" he started jumping on the bed being extremely excited…

Jin looked at him in utter confusion... He pulled Jungkook closed to him "baby... Why are you thanking me?" He asked, trying to control his hyped child "Baby baby...tukkiee ish gonna be big bro..yayyyy" he again hugged his appa and kissed his cheek then he broke the hug and started snuggling to his appa's stomach while kissing it in every now and then…

SeokJin was shocked because of Jungkook's odd behaviour... He looked at his mother in law... "Eomma... What is he talking about?"Mrs. Min smiled and kissed her son-in-law's forehead "he is saying the truth are one week pregnant"

SeokJin's eyes grew wide... "Holly shit... Not again" he groaned loudly…Mrs. Min started laughing seeing her son-in-law's reaction and kissed his forehead "sorry you have to go through the peanutbutter phase case it makes you feel better.....Yoongi is in ICU now.... lucky the poison is out of his system but his life is still at risk until he wakes up "SeokJin's lips started quivering...

"They have to get well soon Eomma... I am not going through this torture alone... You remember how hard it was during Jungkook's time... Need those two idiots at any cost"

"Please don't cry my child.... everything will be alright...i know it will....wanna meet your husband?" Mrs. Min asked while massaging his scalp

SeokJin nodded his head "yeah... But what about Taehyung? Did he wake up?" Mrs. Min sadly looked at him....then shook her head "unfortunately his body isn't responding to his treatment…"

That was enough for SeokJin to start crying loudly... He cannot tolerate this... Why... Why he has to go through this... Why his family is suffering like this? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy...


On the other hand, Jeonghan also woke up and noticed his father sitting beside him, holding his hand…"Wonwoo?" He asked in a voice over a whisper while trying to seat back to which Mr. Yoon immediately help him while asking him to be careful

"Is Wonu awake?"Mr. Yoon shook his head... "Not yet... He is in CCU... His condition is still unstable and no one is allowed to see him"Jeonghan nodded and tried to get out of the bed to which Mr. Yoon held his hand and made him sit back

"i am alright dad.... please i want to be near his room... until we get permission to see him" Mr. Yoon shook his head...

"You can't... The doctor said you have to take a rest... it is important for your baby's health"

"But da-.... wait a damn minute...what?" His eyes widen in shock not believing his ears….Mr. Yoon nodded... "Trust me I was equally shocked... I thought you guys were using protection but... Yeah"

"You mean...i have a baby in my a actually child.... the on the what the... Huh?"he doesn't know how to even response to this....he is pregnant....his dream of starting a family with Wonwoo is coming to life....he immediately get down of the bed and started jumping "i am pregnant....we are gonna be parents....i can't believe this "But then he remembered doctor's words

"we have managed to remove all the bullets but there are multiple bone fractures and we fear he might lose the ability to move his left leg... Also, the bullet removed from his skull might cause long lasting amnesia so don't be surprised when he won't recognise you after waking up... But that the main thing... Him waking up is still questionable" He sat back and immediately started tearing up....why he is in such a condition...why he can't hug his boyfriend....why life have to be so partial towards them.... whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

*No Proofread*

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