Chapter 90

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Hoseok looked at the target... "You really outdone yourself... Better than I thought" he admitted... Not noticing the way Taehyung was looking at him... Too bad you sometimes wish for something that can never be yours even though it is just right in front of your eyes... He got played by the older male... But he still can't let go of the feeling...

Taehyung really enjoyed spending each and every second with Hoseok... He knows that it was still an act but the older male fulfilled his wishes that everyone said no to… Taehyung wanted to hug him and express his gratitude towards the elder how he makes him feel special even if it's an act for him this still means the world to Taehyung "thank you…"

Hoseok looked at the younger male... "Huh? For what?"

"For teaching me this or for fulfilling all my silly wishes....even if it's an act for you it really means the world to me" saying that he bowed at the older "thank you so much hyung"

Hoseok shook his head and picked one of the guns while looking at Taehyung he started shooting the target... "My behaviour might be an act but I fulfilled all your wishes because-" he took a pause and looked deep into those honey-brown orbs... "I can't say no to you" he dropped the gun on the table and went the start the moving targets

Taehyung wanted to ask why....why he can't say no to him....but knowing the move they will talk about it the more it will hurt his feelings so he stayed quiet and looked at Hoseok waiting for his next move

The older male turned on the moving targets and walked closer to Taehyung... "Let's start" with that being said, the younger male started shooting... He missed a few shots and managed to shoot a few in different places... Unloading guns after guns...

At one point his hand started aching and they decided to stop... Hoseok took Taehyung's hand and started massaging it

Taehyung's heartbeat fasten he awkwardly took his hand back saying "it's okay hyung isn't paining anymore" Hoseok shook his head and took Taehyung's hand again in his hold that was red and slightly swollen... "I have been killing people for the past 10 years... I know how much it hurts…"

Taehyung looked into his eyes...which somehow shows love?  He knows it doesn't but he just can't help to feel this...he knows it's's really wrong to feel like that but this feeling is just not in his hands....

"it does hurt "

Hoseok hummed... "I told you it will hurt... Why did you lied?"

"Maybe because i didn't wanted to make it more complicated" he responded while still admiring those beautiful brown orbs

Hoseok looked at the younger male... "No matter how complicate it is... Hurting yourself will not help your case... Trust me... I have lived with that type of pain for years... It is best to let it out... You don't always have to be the forgiving one"

That's it for Taehyung he started slightly hitting older's chest "why...why you have to play like that...i understand your situation...i really do....but what about me...i hurts so bad" he didn't wanted to cry but his eyes betrayed him letting his tears escape from his eyes

Hoseok knew this would come... He was actually hoping for Taehyung to blame him or hit him... Something broke inside him when Taehyung forgave him with a smile... It hurted him more than Taehyung's punches... He knows it was a really dick move to play with someone's feelings especially when they have done nothing wrong to you... There is no apology in the world that can make up to the pain he has caused to the younger male and every tear Taehyung is shading because of him is breaking his heart more and more... He pulled the younger male close to his chest who was crying his heart out...

Hoseok kept mumbling n-number of sorry while kissing Taehyung's head… Taehyung kept on hitting the while crying "why i this unlovable to always get played on?why its always me....why....i hate this...i hate this so much.... why i am this unlovable hyung....why"

Hoseok let his own tears escape... "I am so sorry, beautiful... and no you are not unlovable... Hell you are more than one could desire... you are a literal angel... My precious angel"

Taehyung kept on crying and crying until his tears dried down he moved away from the hug while wiping his ears then again took the gun...he looked at elder with a small smile "shall we start again?"

Hoseok wiped his own tears and nodded... "Yeah... But I have something for you" "What is it?" His voice was still cracked but he managed to keep up with his smile Hoseok pulled something out from his back pocket

 But I have something for you" "What is it?" His voice was still cracked but he managed to keep up with his smile Hoseok pulled something out from his back pocket

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"your personal gun... But remember the promise" Hoseok glared at Taehyung who was trying to take the gun from his hand

Taehyung immediately started nodding his head like a little kid...the moment he got the chance to hold it in his hand he started jumping like a little kid...he immediately kissed older's cheek "i promise" saying that he hugged him "you are the best thank you"

Hoseok smiled and pulled another thing out of his pocket... before poking Taehyung's waist with it... "this is a gift I wanted to give to someone special... and I guess if it wasn't for you I would have never realised many things... so this is for your personal protection because you can't carry a gun everywhere... but be very careful... it is glazed with Arsenic…"

He took it in his hand with shocked eyes "that's so cool" and a huge smile appeared on his face "thank you so much

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He took it in his hand with shocked eyes "that's so cool" and a huge smile appeared on his face "thank you so much...but i am confused what you realise because of me?"

Hoseok smiled and kissed Taehyung's forehead... "That you are an angel who changed my life... For good" He made a confusing face "and how so?"Hoseok turned Taehyung's body to the door and started pushing him... "Let's go to sleep... It's too late"

Taehyung turned around and puffed his cheeks with a huge pout "meanie" saying that he left while stomping his  feet

Hoseok chuckled and made his way out... There was so much going on in his mind but for now... He will just go to his home and also the mini home growing in his baby's belly…

*No Proofread*

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