Chapter 71

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He opened his eyes and smiled looking at Taehyung's adorable sleeping face...he kissed Taehyung's forehead then Jungkook's and hugged him tightly before mumbling "i will always choose you over anyone" saying that he again closed his eyes and drafted into the dreamland….

After an hour or so, Seokjin woke up when he heard Jungkook crying... when he opened his eyes... The toddler was snuggling into his uncle's chest who was now sitting on the bed... looking at seokjin with glary eyes and angry pout... the older male tried to reach for his son but Jungkook held taehyung tightly... not even looking at his Appa…and before Jin could do anything else the second youngest picked his nephew up and simply walked out of the door...he really wished to slam the door in a same way his brother did but that will only make his nephew cry harder which he surely don't want....

Jin looked at his kids disappearing figures and let out a deep sigh "get ready to handle a bratty bear with a crying bunny... It's okay Jin you deserve it"the older male followed his brother like a lost puppy... every turn Taehyung was taking... Jin was following him…

Taehyung looked at his brother with a blank face while holding bathroom door's nob "i need to pee wanna join in?" he stated while rolling his eyes Jungkook giggled from the couch when Seokjin scrunched his nose...

"eww no... i just wanted to apologise for my behaviour and also for lashing out on you for something which is not your fault... technically" he said that all in one go while looking on the ground "hmmm okay" that's all he said before closing the bathroom door on this elder brother's face

Seokjin frowned and went towards the couch before burying his face in his hands

Jungkook rolled his eyes but then  tapping his father's thighs as he can't reach his shoulder "there there...but chu are doomed" saying that he started giggling while clapping his hands

Jin sighed and looked at his son... "thanks for letting me know'' saying that he turned his face in other direction Jungkook stood up on the couch and hugged his father touching his own cheek with his...

"don't taetae lobs chu too much to be mad at chu'' saying that he kissed his beloved appa's cheek

Jin smiled and made Jungkook sit on his lap... "i am sorry for scaring you baby, '' he said, looking at Jungkook's nose… "buy me 100 ice-creams and chu are forgiven " he said while showing all ten fingers Seokjin rolled his eyes... "first... no... second, your dadda will kill me if i even consider getting you 100 ice creams''

"then me no accept sorrie" he crossed his hands to his chest and made an adorable angry pout "oh my... and here i thought you would ask where your dadda is" the older male said and immediately regretted it because he knows what is going to happen next

Jungkook got down from his Appa's lap and started searching for his Dadda everything then he again came to his Appa and started crying out loud "bere ish Dadda" he asked while looking for his dadda below the couch... that barely had a space to fit a shoe...

Jin mentally cursed himself before picking Jungkook up... "i am sorry baby... your dadda had to leave for an urgent meeting... he will be back soon" he said while rocking his son gently "dadda bill be back in evening write?" he asked while his tears again started to fall from the corner of his eyes seokjin gently wipe those tears...

"i don't know baby... you dadda didn't listen to me... he said it's important and left us alone... he is so mean" he pouted at the end of his sentence jungkook cutely glared at him "don't call my dadda meanie" but then started crying harder "but how can he go bithout telling tukkie...he is so mean"

Taehyung was watching this entire conversation with a done expression... good thing, yoongi left a message for him or else he would have joined the 'yoongi is a meanie' party... His brother-in-law has asked him to resolve the issue with Jin before he gets back home and so he is going to do that... There are so many answers he needs from his brother... there is no way he is letting this go that easily…he stood in front of the father-son duo and cleared his throat to gain their attention..."let's talk about it over dinner" Saying that he took Jungkook in his arms

"do you wanna go to that newly opened 7 star restaurant?" Jungkook immediately nodded his head multiple times "okay then let's go" saying that he started walking towards the main door but then turned around "btw you are paying so come quickly"Jin took a deep breath... he can't kill them... no matter how much it tempts him to choke them both to death he loves them more than his own life... so, with a heavy sigh... he followed the idiots out of the house praying that all devils will help him control his anger…

Soon the three of them were seated in a lavish restaurant...ordering all their's Taehyung's way of annoying his brother and Jin is also playing along to act annoyed but honestly they both are enjoying the silence.... Taehyung is satisfied with Jin's faked annoyed face whereas Jin is satisfied seeing his kids eating happy and Jungkook is satisfied with the taste of the delicious food

That's when taehyung asked "so, are you going to tell me which demon possessed you or we are going to pretend like nothing happened?" he asked while shoving the baked potato in his mouth...

Jin took a deep breath and said "Hoseok... he is my ex" taehyung immediately choked on his food and started gasping for air making Jungkook worried..."i am okay i am okay...i am not at all freaking out from the fact that me and my  brother who is 10 year older then me have kissed the same i am definitely not freaking out....please continue....."

Jin took a deep breath... "stop that... not my fault you didn't ask for his age before allowing him to eat you publicly"

Taehyung pouted "he doesn't look that old" Jin bit his lower lips before nodding... "he is almost an year younger than me... we were in high school... dated for two years... and... and i was pregnant with his child"

Taehyung was drinking water at that time immediately spell it out which landed directly on his brother's face...his eyes widen and started cleaning his brother's face who was glaring at him while holding back the urge to kill him...where as Taehyung was regretting his decision to come to this lavish place being embarrassed of his actions while ignoring all the glares he is getting for other tables and well Jungkook is just enjoying his meal unbothered to everything happened around

"I think we should have this talk somewhere else" Jin said while looking at people who were giving them the weird look... "let's finish this dinner"

"yeah... sorry again" saying that he went back to his seat not before bowing at others and started eating as soon as possible

after completing the dinner... all three of them decided to take a walk... more like taehyung and jin decided because jungkook had no say in it... he knows one of the is going to carry him eventually...

when they reached the park, a strong smell of something weird hit their nostrils... Jungkook immediately pinched his nose and buried his face in Seokjin's neck... they walked for a while and kinda away from the smell...

Jin was going to say something to Taehyung after sitting on the bench when his phone started ringing... it was from Yoongi and picked the call but never got a chance to say anything as everything went blank for him...

"hello?... jin? babe, are you there? hello? hel-"

the line went dead….

*No Proofread*

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