Chapter 74

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That's when choi started laughing like a maniac and his eyes got tears from laughing this hard "wow... i have never felt so pitiful for anyone as much as i feel for you Jung... look at you... begging on your knees for the sult who was going to run away with his child... your child"

Hoseok's eyes grew wide... he can't believe choi's words... Namjoon was going to leave him... he is pregnant... no no... this can't be true... namjoon can never leave him... he has promis- but Jin also made a promise and he left him... not wanting to trust the old man's words, Hoseok looked at Namjoon for confirmation...

There is no way he will believe someone else's words until and unless namjoon admits it own his own... "is it true?" he asked, the question was barely above whisper...

As if, he doesn't want Namjoon to answer it…Namjoon didn't dare to look up and nodded his head while closing his eyes as tightly as he this point he doesn't have any guts to face the elder

Hoseok took a minute to understand everything and then started laughing before falling on his back... choi was confused, namjoon was guilty, taehyung was thinking that hoseok has gone mad while Seokjin knows... he knows exactly what is happening...

Hoseok is laughing at his poor fate... two men he ever cared about... two men who promised to not never leave him... two men he can literally die for broke their promises... he never thought anything could hurt him more than Seokjin's departure from his life but god... he was so wrong... he dated jin for 2 years and he still feels pain... but Namjoon... the man he has known for 9 years...

The man who is Hoseok's everything decided to leave him... not just that but he also hides about pregnancy... Namjoon is pregnant with his child and didn't even bother to inform him... and yet again... Hoseok is on his knees... how funny is that…"you must be internally laughing at my state, right Jin? it's really hilarious to watch a man going through the pain and heartbreak you put him through 10 years ago" his laughs got shaky…

Jin looked at him with sad eyes but his eyes got teary when he saw namjoon's body shaking from crying so hard..... he wants to he indeed really wants to change their past he never wanted his seokie to go through all this alone....but even if he wants he can't reverse the time.....with a heavy sigh he again looked at hoseok and said in a voice over a whisper "please don't conclude anything without knowing his side of the story" Hoseok scoffed...

"what? my best friend was planning to run away with my child who he didn't even bothered to inform me about after promising to never leave me... what better explanation can he give me? one kim broke me 10 years ago another one has put me in the same situation again..."

He shook his head... "seriously choi... if you want to kill me... do it right now... it is your best chance"choi smirked "gladly" saying that he put the trigger and aimed it right on hoseok's head.....with all the strength namjoon had he break through the rope...which shocked the kim brothers who are constantly trying to break the rope but couldn't because of how strongly it is tied and the moment Choi was pushing the triggered button he pushed him making him miss his aim and instead of his head it hit him in the arm Hoseok didn't even flinched at the shot...

Too bad it wasn't his head... because now, Choi won't even get a chance to shoot him... but before he could make a move... they all heard the door being opened and a teenager like taehyung walked into the room casually... "Choi Choi... you really display a shocking inability to grasp basic concepts" the guy said while pointing a gun in choi's direction

Both the Kim brothers shockingly looked at him then at each other then again back at him and yelled at the same time "JIMIN" The said male smiled before winking at them

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Both the Kim brothers shockingly looked at him then at each other then again back at him and yelled at the same time "JIMIN" The said male smiled before winking at them...

"Choi darling... Let them go before I chop you into tiny little pieces and serve you as a buffet for my baby puppies'' he said while taking lazy steps towards them...

From outside, he could hear the gun shots Choi looked at him with frightened eyes "wh-ho ar-re yo-ou?" but before he could finish his sentence the place was filled with lots of unknown guards Jimin looked at his nails and then back at Choi... His eyes were dark...

Almost black in colour, matching with his outfit "Considering your age I wonder if you still have your memories fresh but I am the heir of Park Jong-dae"Choi's eyes widened with shock "but how is that even possible.... Park Jang-dae's land is under the king right now after the last heir died....are you the king?"Jimin sighed...

"You talk too much, old man... Boys..." He signalled and immediately a few of the guarded men came forward Choi and took his gun and other weapons away and started untying the hostages...

"Now now... Let's play my favourite game old man... Start running for your life... I will give you a minute to run as far as you can go before I find you... And your time starts" he looked at his non-existential watch and said


And with that Choi immediately started running for his dear life....he get out of the basement and was about to walk out of the house when someone shoot him on his left foot
"Times up, Cinderella" Jimin said and walked closer to Choi before putting the gun on his forehead...

He was about to shoot hiwhen in a whispering about someone yelled "DAD" Jimin looked at the source of voice and there stood his boyfriend... His eyes were wide and shock was clearly evident from his face...

Jun was also standing right behind Seungcheol... With the same expression as the latter male... but Jimin doesn't care... He needs to get done with it "I am sorry Cheol" he said before pulling thtrigger...

Cheol's body started shaking looking at the scene....his father....his only family member is dead and the one who killed him is none other than his own boyfriend....he looked blankly at his boyfriend but then ran towards him and punch him across his face....he then hold his boyfriend's collor and looked dead into his eyes


Jimin's men were about to shoot Cheol when he signalled them not to... He took all the punches from the older male understanding that he deserves it... Even though Choi was an Asshole... He was still Seungcheol's father... The only family he had... So the outburst was understandable and Jimin will take it...

"He kidnapped my family" he said blankly... There was no remorse... He doesn't regret killing a bastard like Choi... He wilnever...Seungcheol was again going to punch Jimin's face when somebody hit him on his head making him fall unconscious on Jimin

Jimin immediately hugged him and started rubbing the place where that person hit his boyfriend....he glared at him but that person just shrugged it making Jimin let out a deep sigh....he gently picked his boyfriend and made him lay on the couch and softly started caressing his cheeks

"Can i also give you a few free punches my little bro?"

*No Proofread*

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