Chapter 109

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Hoseok pulled away from the kiss and noticed the tears in Namjoon's eyes... "Baby... What did we discussed?"

"We will stay strong no matter what....and technically i am not's my stupid pregnancy hormones" saying that he burst out in tears...he kept on crying and crying until he felt a finger on his heat

"Hyung... What are you doing?" Namjoon asked with his eyes closed at the feeling "Just close your eyes and relax baby" he started scissoring in a inhuman speed…Namjoon was moaning, breathing heavily... He wasn't expecting something like this from Hoseok... But he is not complaining... Namjoon loves this feeling...

"H-hyung... I... I am gonna-"Before he could finish his sentence hoseok captured his lips into a hungry lustful kiss "cum for daddy" he said in between the kiss and Namjoon did... after coming down from his highs... Namjoon realised that he ruined his pants which pissed him off... "

Yahh you ruined my pants" he hit Hoseok's shoulder Hoseok chuckled "don't worry baby...i will buy you an entire store of pants" with that he kissed his baby's pouty lips and help him clean-up..."take care love"with a forehead kiss he bid his final good to the love of his life

After 2 hours~

"-and now that he have all the three sisters... Sehun is going to Busan where the diamond is kept... It is best to attack him there because he won't be having his entire Security but as the place has been under his protection I fear there are chances of more security than expected" Mr. Yoon said through his Bluetooth... They are using different cars to not get suspicious...

Today, many gangs from the entire South Korea to kill one annoying asshole who is ruining their peaceful work…Soon they reached the location and luckily before Sehun....they divided the place into 4 parts...first for the army of guards to determine and analyse Sehun's strength... second... Dk ,Hoshi along with few other will be ready to welcome them... third Mr.Yoon ,jimin along with the a strong army of guards will be there to face them and at last  it will be Mafia King along with one of the bestest mafia boss Hoseok to face them....they all took their respective positions waiting for the signal Wonwoo's voice was heard through their earpieces "there are approx 1300 men out here and all of them are armed... Our strength is only half of theirs... What should we do?"

"don't come out... everyone stay at your place and attack" Yoongi said....and that's what they did....they all started attacking while making sure the guards won't get a clue about their hiding stop.. After few minutes, Wonwoo and his men successfully managed to kill Sehun's guards and few of them even took their positions to not get suspicious...

"278 killed and-" before he could finish, they noticed 20+ cars getting parked in the massive ground "Shit" Wonwoo mumbled when around 180 people came out of those cars along with Sehun and the three of the guard's eyes turned teary at the sight of two of the three sisters...their pale faces with their bony bodies...that Sehun had just kept them hurts to see them hurts more knowing one of them is his mother he closed his eyes let out a deep breath knowing it's either do or die

On the other hand, Hoseok was also feeling the same... He wanted to rip off the head of his father... He hated his father for ruining his life... The man in his mid 50s took everything from him... His childhood, his love, his child, his happiness and also his sanity... For years he lived with immense pain and agony and now he gave the biggest reason to hate him... Hoseok Cannot believe that his mother... The woman he had a live memory of is alive and standing metres away…

-Time Skip (because we are lazy and hella bored with the whole fighting scene)

N-number of bodies were laying on the ground that was covered in the blood of dead and injured people... So far, Yoongi and his team had an upper arm in this fight because of the smart play...

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