Chapter 20

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Right now Min-Kim's are all settled to leave this because place except for the younger Kim...even though he isn't saying it...but he genuinely doesn't want to leave his place...but knowing they will never agree to let him stay here he silently sat near the tree enjoying the last few moments before returning while druging his cigarette "What did I said about Cigarettes?" Yoongi's voice came right behind Taehyung… He immediately hide it behind his hands "huh...a what"

Yoongi shook his head... "Tae... Your back is turned in my direction" Tae slowly turned back and looked at Yoongi with a pleading eyes "sorry hyungie.... please don't tell his to jin hyung" "then why are your smoking? Didn't we made a rule?" He asked with his arms crossed around his chest

Taehyung sighed "wasn't feeling too just... sorry" Yoongi came and sat beside Taehyung... "What's wrong?"

"Nothing...just worried"he said with a sad pout "And... What are you worried about little baby?" Yoongi asked while patting his head"That if you will actually circulate that pigtail pictures of mine...then how will I get my first date " he seriously looking at Yoongi with his doe eyes

Yoongi facepalmed himself "yah you idiot... I will will do that... And now tell me the real reason" Tae hugged Yoongi tightly "if i will tell you...will you be mad at me?"

"of course not baby... You got drunk and got caught smoking... What else can you say" he chuckled when Taehyung whined in his hold "I don't wanna go back" he said in one go and squeeze his eyes shut "why?" Yoongi asked softly

Yoongi's soft words gave him a little courage to open up "Hyung have suffered so much for me....he had to start working at the age of 14 to bring us food...he even work as a cliner to buy me things...and even after suffering so much now that he finally got happiness in his life and a family of his own...i am still glue to him to annoy him....i have already troubled him a lot...i am already 19 now...i don't want to annoy him anymore...i want him to concentrate on you all and more than that on himself... please don't take me wrong...but please i really wanna move back here" he didn't know himself when he started to tear up…

Before Yoongi could reply... He felt Taehyung being pulled away from him... And there stood Jin with red eyes... His face was burning from anger and every ounce of his body was telling him to slap Taehyung right then and there... He wanted to say many things... He wanted to question his brother if he ever for once made him feel like Taehyung was burden on him... Or whether Yoongi made him feel any less important... But he restrained himself from asking all those questions... Instead he asked "you want to stay here?" Tae gulped looking at jin's face...he immediately looked down didn't dare to say anything

"Jin h-" the said male raised his hand to stop Yoongi from defending Taehyung... "If you want to live here... You will be the one to explain this to Jungkook... because I won't be answering his question of 'where is his TaeTae'... Come tell him" he pulled Taehyung towards the car where Jungkook his playing with his bunny plushie

Tae still stood there looking down he wanted to explain himself but felt like words are stuck in his throat not daring to come out "cat got your tongue Kim Taehyung? Explain him that you feel like burden on his Appa that's why you don't want to live with us... You can't do it? I will call him here... JUNGKOOK" He called his son's name who peaked out of the window

Tae didn't say anything and pulled him out of the window and hugged him...where as he gave tae a confusing look "do you wanna go in taetar's car or in dadda's car baby?" "TaeTae Pom Pom" he said happily

Tae kissed his cheeks "then let's go" with that he glance at his elder brother once then at his home and again back to his brother before settling in his car..

Yoongi guided Jin towards his car and once they settled down... The second eldest started driving after Taehyung's car left... The ride was dead silent... Yoongi was constantly stealing glances of his husband who was looking outside of the car... He was pissed beyond words... One can consider it being overdramatic but only Jin knows how much Taehyung's words has hurt him... How can Taehyung think like that? He loves Yoongi and Jungkook more than his life but for him... Taehyung will always come first... He is the reason why Jin breaths... He is the reason why Jin didn't gave up on his life... If it wasn't for Taehyung... Jin would have died long ago... The guilt of being the reason of his parents death would have eaten him alive... If and only if it wasn't for Taehyung... Jin would have never met Yoongi...  Taehyung forcely made him go to the hospital even when he was sick... Jin would have never went to hospital that day but he did... Only because of Taehyung… Taehyung was there during his whole pregnancy... He constantly made Jin feel like he will be a great father... He was the one who pampered him like a mother and fulfilled his demands like a father…

Taehyung is everything to Jin…

Soon they reached home only to see a crying Taehyung patting and caressing his sleeping nephew....Jin didn't even spare a glance at Taehyung and immediately left for his room

Yoongi was confused... He wanted to console Taehyung as the younger male is not only his brother-in-law but their first child... The first time Yoongi met Taehyung... The kid was just 12... His innocent eyes,  adorable boxy smile and the habit of nonstop talking... immediately made Yoongi feel protective towards him... So, when Jin kept the condition that he will only Marry Yoongi if he won't ask him to leave Taehyung... Yoongi smacked the back of Jin's head for even thinking that he will leave Taehyung alone... They practically saw the kid growing in front of their eyes... A kid who grew taller than Yoongi in blink of an eye... the kid who successfully failed in his first pancake attempt... A kid who became a really good cook in front of them... A kid who screamed 'My brother is pregnant bitches' from their roof top when he found out about Jin's pregnancy... A kid who thinks he is burden on them... The last sentence made Yoongi frown... So instead of going to Taehyung or in his room… Yoongi went to the roof top… Turning pack of cigarettes into ashes…

Looking at his brother-in-law just made him cry harder....knew his words would hurt them that's why he never dared to share those feelings with anyone...but even if he admits it or not they did have sacrificed a lot for him....from cancelling their important work to attend his sports day or to stay up all night whenever he gets sick.....they have done a lot....and now he is just regretting to letting out his emotions in the form of works...he hates it whenever they get upset over him... specially knowing that his brother is crying right and his brother-in-law lighting up his 3rd cigarette of the day made him feel more guilty then ever....After crying for good 20mins he somehow managed to calm himself down… With that he left for kitchen to prepare their favourite meal to ask them for forgiveness

After an hour or so... Yoongi came into the kitchen to drink water…Taehyung looked at him who just finished his cooking...."hyungie ~" the moment he called him his tears again started escaping from the corner of his eyes

Yoongi turned around and looked at his brother-in-law... "Taehyungieeeee~" he mimicked Taehyung's action but stretched the E for little longer

Tae Chuckled and immediately wipped his tears "look what i made" he excitedly showed the food he made for them

Yoongi looked at the food over Taehyung's shoulder... He pressed his chin on the younger shoulder... "Wow... Are we expecting guests?"

Nooo...i just wanted to cook something good for you...wanna taste it now or directly during the dinner?

Yoongi opened his mouth for Taehyung to feed him

Taehyung smiled and immediately scoop out a spoon full of goodies and blow it a few times then put it in front of his dear brother-in-laws mouth… Yoongi started chewing and with wide eyes he gave two thumbs to Taehyung… "You think jin hyung will like it" he asked a bit nervously

Yoongi patted Taehyung's cheek... "He will love it... You can easily melt his heart with these amazing dishes"Tae gave him his boxy smile and immediately hugged him"Sorry hyungie...i shouldn't have said those things

*No Proofread*

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