Chapter 92

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The doctor motioned Namjoon to lay down...and Hoseok was about to hold his hand but before he could do Jungkook hold his hand who was also seating the same bed and said showing his bunny smile "don't borry uncle tukkiee won't let that uncle give chu ouchie or any pain... tukkieee bill protect chu''

Namjoon smiled and brought Jungkook's hand closer to his lips... "Thank you, baby" he kissed the back of the toddler's hand... "Slightly lower your shorts and pull of your tshirt Mr. Jung'' the doctor said while wearing the gloves

Hoseok nodded and did the same that's when Jungkook glared at the doctor "if chu hurt my uncle then that won't be good for chu'' saying that he kissed Namjoon's forehead

Doctor was hella confused... "Wait wait... What are you doing sir?" He asked Hoseok and then looked at Namjoon..

"Sir... Please pull your shirt up and shorts down..." Then he bowed to Jungkook "and yes sir... I won't hurt your uncle"

That's when Namjoon noticed hoseok had lifted his shirt and downward his pants making him faceplumped himself...he then did the same while glaring at Hoseok making Jungkook giggle

The older male shrugged... "He said Mr. Jung... What was I supposed to do?" The doctor sighed... "His name is Mr. Jung Namjoon... Isn't it?" Namjoon's face turned red " i am ki-" was cut off by Hoseok "yes you are right he is soon to be Jung Namjoon.... please continue" doctor nodded and started the process....

Jungkook immediately closed his eyes and turn his back towards the doctor and said "Chu no scare okay....tukkiee ish here for chu'' Hoseok bit his lip to prevent himself from laughing... Then he noticed a little dot on the screen…

 Then he noticed a little dot on the screen…

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Doctor smiled "that's your child Mr. Jung"

Hoseok tapped Jungkook's shoulder... "Hey... See... There is baby" he used the most softest voice that Namjoon has ever heard Jungkook excitingly looked at it but then got confused "bhere?" He looked at Hoseok when he didn't get any response but got shock to see tears in both of their eyes....

He immediately stood up and glared at the doctor "why chu hurt my uncle....seee he ish crying…say sorrie to him"

Doctor smiled "they are experiencing the same feeling your parents would have experienced when they first got to see you"

Hoseok held Namjoon's hand and kissed his knuckles many times... "Thank you thank you so much" Jungkook just got more confused "means chu hurt my appa and dadda as bell?"

Doctor shook his head vigorously... But then Hoseok looked at Jungkook and picked him up before kissing his cheeks... "Baby... This is one of the happiest moment of our lives... He got to see our little baby"

he walked closer to the screen and took Jungkook's tiny hand before keeping it on the baby's image... "Here... The baby is this small right now…"

"Ish that the babi?when can I meet him?" He asked Hoseok showing his bambi eyes that made Namjoon chuckle through his tears

Hoseok smiled... "Yeah... It's the baby... You will get to meet him after 8 months" "Yayy tukkieee bill play with him... bill also share his toys but not sweets...tukkiee lobs sweets" he said while clapping his hands

Hoseok chuckled while wiping his tears... "Don't worry... I will bring all the sweets for you and him/her"

"Weally thank chu..." Saying that jungkook kissed his cheek making hoseok shock as hell Namjoon was also looking at the scene with wide eyes... Well, it is really a sight to see... And what he wasn't expecting was Hoseok to kiss Jungkook's cheeks and nose which made the toddler giggle…

But then the doctor took a syringe making Jungkook shock and he immediately yelled "no i bont let chu hurt my uncle"

Doctor looked at Hoseok... "Sir... It is important" the said male nodded and looked at the toddler in his arm...

"Baby... It is important for your uncle's health... He has been ignorant about his health"

"But it bill hurt uncle....pleage no hurt uncle...pleageeeeeee" Saying that he started crying making both namseok chuckled at his cuteness

Hoseok peaked Jungkook's cheek... "Okay... He won't hurt your uncle... But in the meantime... Have you see the lake outside?" He said while slowly walking towards the balcony He looked at the lake and started clapping his hands when he saw two ducks touching their bills together making a heart between the gap "duckie kissy" he said pointing at the ducks Hoseok smiled... He has never experienced something so weird...

Jungkook is annoying... And the older male literally hates how the toddler glares at him and gets on his nerves but at the same time... He really loves when Jungkook smiles or giggles... There is no lie that the toddler's giggles are like music which Hoseok can listen to on loop... And those eyes... Goddd... They are Jungkook's best weapon... It just takes one glossy look and a person is hypnotised... There is no going back or moving forward... You have to wait for the toddler's command and there is no way you won't give in...

Now, Hoseok can't wait to hold his baby... Take him to different places... Giving him the best life possible... Far far away from this toxic side of his world... He will protect his child and Namjoon just like Yoongi protects his family…

Soon all the tests were done.... The doctor motioned the couple to take a seat which they did and the toddler immediately took a seat on his joonie uncle's lap and hugged him "did he hurt chu?"

He asked glaring at the doctor Namjoon chuckled and shook his head... "No, he didn't hurt me..." Hoseok was waiting for Doctor to start talking

Doctor clear his throat ignoring the toddler's glare "so you see Mr.Jung...his health have deteriorated a lot in past few days... lucky it haven't left a big impact on the child's health but if it continue like this...then there is a possibility of something bad happening to the child including i will highly suggest to stay away from things that causes stress.... and i am making some changes in  his medication" saying that he passed them his prescription

Hoseok looked at Namjoon with raised eyebrow... "I will make sure he takes as much rest as possible doctor... Don't worry"

Doctor smiled "take care Mr. Jung ''.....on the other hand Jungkook didn't understand a word from their conversation so he asked "so what doctor said?bill he again give chu ouchie? tukkiieeee won't let him hurt chu again " saying that he protectively hugged Namjoon while glaring at the doctor

Namjoon smiled and kissed the toddler's head... "Thank you my baby bodyguard... I love you"

"Tukkieee lobes chu too...more than he lobs cho- no tuki no no" he started thinking and after a lot of thinking he said "yes tukiee lobes chu more than no tukiee hate veggies '' he again started thinking then said with a proud smile "tukkiieeee lobs chu more then kimchi but he still lobs chocolates more sorrie"

Namjoon started laughing and Hoseok shook his head... The smile never left his face though... Both the men thanked the doctor before taking the picture with them…

*No Proofread*

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