Chapter 43

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"I love you... I know have said it before but I love you more and more everyday... You know... After my mom died... I had no one... Even though dad is there... He is still nowhere in my life... I love him but at the same time I have lost all the paths that reaches on a healthy father-son relationship note... But then you came into my life... Or more like I barged into yours... But I am happy that you accepted me... I am happy that you love me as much as I love you" he kissed Jimin's head multiple times

Jimin  hugged him and started caressing his hairs "i love you more hyung" he broke the hug and kissed the elder's forehead "thank you for barging into my colourless world and filled it with love and know i never saw my mother...she died while giving birth to me....luckily my father was really caring that he never made me feel like i don't have a mother but then after his death...i was broken...if it wasn't for Taehyung i would have give up on my life...he's been always there for me but still i couldn't help but feel an emptiness instead me maybe that's why i was so addicted to my games to find my escape from that emptiness...but"

Hee hold Cheol's both hands and looked straight into his eyes "thanks to you...that empty feeling is long forgotten now...thank you for bringing colour to my life...thank you for loving me the way i am...i can't even express in words what this warmth means to me....i love you "

Cheol couldn't help himself for tearing up... "I love you more... So much that I would lose myself if something happened to you..." He pulled the younger male in a passionate kiss…

Jimin's eyes started tearing up looking at Cheol's tears...he softly wiped his tears then cupped his face and shook his head "why are you crying.... please don't cry"This only made Cheol cry out loudly... This is for the first time he has ever cried... It is mix of many emotions... A guy who was always told that he is not a girl to shed tears finally allowed himself to cry... A guy who was forced to shut up when his mother died finally allowed himself to grief...

A guy who was forced from any sign of weakness is finally allowing himself to be vulnerable in front the person he loves the most... He never thought the crazy guy who was always stuck on his phone will take his breath away from that one glare... He never thought he was into guys until Jimin pouted when he didn't his favourite food in the canteen...  He never thought that he was capable of love until Jimin smiled at him... and now... He cannot imagine a life without the younger male in it... Choi Seungcheol has fallen too deep for this crazy guy that there is no coming back for him…

Jimin held him closer and hid his boyfriend's face in his embrace and started caressing his back while occasionally kissing his forehead.... They stayed in the same position until Cheol's cries turned into sobs then into sniffs and atleast dried down....once his cries died jimin again cupped his boyfriend's face and showered his face with kisses "feeling better?"

Cheol smiled and nodded his head... "Yeah... Much better... Like... I am alive once again" he peaked Jimin's lips "thanks to you"Jimin kissed his nose

"i didn't do anything love....honestly i am feeling overwhelmed that someone loves me this much to cry for me....i know i am sounding like a psychopath right now...but i am feeling so lucky that you love me this much...thank you...i love you" saying that he again pulled him into a passionate kiss And just like that both the young men spend the whole afternoon kissing and saying I love you every time they broke the kiss

After a week... Taehyung was sitting in the Food court of a mall... impatiently tapping his fingers on the table while looking around people... Some were laughing, having fun... kids were running like they own the entire place... A couple was having an argument over something... He tsked when the woman poured thick milkshake over the guy's head before walking away... Such a classic scene... At that very moment he heard "Hey sorry... I am late" Taehyung tilted his head on the left to see the man he was waiting for...

A smile made it's way on his face as the handsome guy took a seat opposite to him... Taehyung cleared his throat before saying "Here I thought you would ditch me again"

"And give you the chance to destroy my future generation?nahhh i will pass" the man replied showing his beautiful heart smile making Taehyung smile as well...he is glad that he hear that person out before jumping into the conclusion....that poor thing was taking care of his sick best friend and here he thought that person intentionally ditched him to play with his feelings...he was planning to slap that poor guy when he approached him to get a second date…

"So... What is your name?" Taehyung asked hesitantly, realising that he doesn't even know of this stranger who kissed him against his will... But that is in past now... Taehyung might not be over with the fact that his first kiss was stolen he still doesn't want to hold anything against this handsome stranger... The younger won't lie... The man does look hot and tempting in that suit... His dark eyes that are looking at him like he is a prey made Taehyung shiver but that smile was completely different from the dark eyes... It was warm... Comforting... And the mole right above his upper lip was so alluring... Like he would kis- Taehyung shook his head to get those nasty thoughts out of his mind…

"I am Hoseok...Jung Hoseok" the hot man in that tempting black suit replied with a huge smile hung on his face....even though that man is smiling his eyes are looking at him like a hunter finally got his prey...

Hoseok bite his lips to prevent himself from smirking and slowly hold his prey's hand means the younger's hand and asked looking straight into the younger eyes "thank you for giving me another chance" even though his words were humble but there's nothing humble about the way he his eyes were scaning even ounce of the younger's body…

Taehyung felt his body heating up and cheek turning pink... The skin contact was making him feel weird sensation in his stomach... He was feeling naked in front of that look Hoseok was giving me... "W-why are loo-king a-at me like th-at?"

"Nothing just admiring the beauty in front of me.... your dreamy brown orbs with that cute roman nose and beautiful boxy smile...and that sexy mole on your nose... " he tighten his grip around the younger's hand "you are worth admiring Kim Taehyung

*No Proofread*

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