Chapter 41

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Next morning, Taehyung woke up when someone wrapped their arms around his waist... His first instinct was to kick this person but he is too familiar with the warmth that he snuggled more into the hold... "Good morning Jimjam" he whispered out...

Jimin smiled and kissed the younger's forehead"Good morning to you too my alien"started caressing Taehyung's hair.."how was your date?" The Younger male asked... His eyes were still closed... Enjoying the attention of his best friend

"Good...i think...i might be in love" he responded with a shy smile..Taehyung's eyes flew open and he tackled his best friend on the bed... He was now sitting on Jimin's stomach pointing a finger at the older's face while one hand was covering his widened mouth... "Ar... Are you sure?"

"You are heavy you idiot...and about your question..i think he is perfect someone will be stupid to not fall for him" he said while looking to the other side to avoid eye contact…

Taehyung hugged Jimin while still being on top of him and started crying "I am so happy for you my child... You made Appa proud today"..

Jimin made an annoying face but deep down he is really happy to see this bestfriend's reaction..... "yahh appa my ass...i am your father here"..Taehyung crushed Jimin's body in his hold... "Baby you are bad... But I am your dad"...Jimin hugged him tighter and flipped their position and now he is seating on younger's stomach and started ticking him "you are the dad huh…"Taehyung started laughing uncontrollably...

"Yah yah Hyung leave me... Haha... Okay okay I am not you dad... Leave me" that's when Taehyung's bedroom door flew open and a plushie landed on the side of Jimin's head "Heave my TaeTae" an angry toddler stood at the entrance with his tiny hands clenched in fist….

Jimin looked at the toddler and stuck his toung out started ticking Taehyung harder "no first admit that i am your dad and you are MY BABY" and internally smirked know how the last two words will trigger the toddler which eventually did and the toddler started crying loudly while walking towards his Appa and the tiny puppy who was dreaming about a bone

Both VMin looked at each other then let out a deep sigh and Taehyung kicked his best friend mouthing 'idiot' and ran behind the toddler..But it was too late Jin was already out of his room... And Jungkook was in his arms... The older male looked at Taehyung and asked "What happened?"

Taehyung sighed but then chuckled "nothing this little bunny got jealous of jimin... again" well it's not something new jungkook is not only possessive about his dadda but also about his taetae after all his taetae is his everything his best friend his third father sometimes even his partner in crime....he loves Taehyung way tomuch…. more than words can describe..

Jin facepalmed himself "are you only possessive for your Dadda and TaeTae? What about me? You don't love me?" The older male frowned…

Jungkook put his index finger in his chin acting like his is thinking very deeply then he but then he looked at his appa and stuck his tongue out…Jin narrowed his eyes... "Is that so... Okay then... Taehyung... Take care of him... I will go out to amusement park on my own and won't buy anything for him" he tried to gently push Jungkook away from himself…Jungkook immediately hugged him tighter "nuuuu....tukieee lobes chu the most...tukiee was kidding"....

Jin smirked "oh baby... You must be kidding but Appa is very much serious" Jungkook immediately started pecking him all over his face "please take tukkie with chu" saying that his eyes went teary and he started crying like crazy….

Taehyung was watching everything with great amusement... He doesn't need to watch TV or get Netflix subscription because these two are full of entertainment... All he wishes for is popcorn…That's when a bowl of popcorn appeared in front of his face he blinked his eyes for few time to be sure that he isn't imagining things and looked towards the hand connection to bowl and saw his best friend his holding two bowls of popcorn to enjoy the show..Taehyung smiled and they sat on the couch watching Jungkook convince his Appa that he loves Jin the most while the older male was very well aware of the lie...

Even though Jungkook loves him... Yoongi is always his first pick... But what they both don't know that Jungkook needs all three of them equally... He doesn't love anyone more or less…


Right now, Vmin duo is in the library... Working on the project their professor assigned them..Taehyung banged his head on the table being frustrated that's when someone came from behind and ruffled his hairs "good afternoon my kids" Jeonghan said as he took a seat beside Taehyung... He was all alone today..

Taehyung immediately hugged him "there's nothing good about this afternoon...why this have to be so hard"Jeonghan patted his head "what happened?" He asked in a hushed voice because the librarian was glaring at them.."This assignment is tooo hard...i hate studing" he responded with a sulky face

"I hate it too but sometimes you have to go with the flow... Want me to help you?" Jeonghan asked in his sweet voice…Taehyung desperately start nodding his head whereas after finishing his assignment Jimin started playing on his phone being totally unbothered about his bestfriend's whining drama

That's when he got a message from his boyfriend...

Cheol❤️🍒: Are you busy?

Baby❤️🐥: I can always get some time for you…

Cheol❤️🍒: Then come to Park's cafe in next 15 minutes

Baby❤️🐥 Like alone?

Cheol❤️🍒: bring entire college with you😒

Baby❤️🐥:Okay i can bring them...but in case you want me to come alone then you have to treat me an ice-cream

Cheol❤️🍒: just come alone babe... I will buy you the entire ice cream shop

Baby🐥❤️:On my way~🏃🏃🏃

With that, Jimin looked at the clingy appa son duo "umm...i need to go...will catch up later?" Jeonghan and Taehyung nodded their heads..With that he immediately walked out more like ran out to meet his dear boyfriend…

After a few minutes he reached the beautiful cafe there a man saw him and asked "Are you Park Jimin?"

"Umm...yes do i know you?"

*No Proofread*

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