Chapter 77

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Someone in the back cleared his throat... Grabbing Taehyung's attention... "So... You guys are in a relationship?"

Jun asked while eyeing Taehyung's neck... Taehyung wanted to make puking face but thought to tease his senior "ummm...i mean no but we went on a few dates...even he is a oldie he is still hot" Jun bit on his inner cheek, his eyes narrowed and the jealousy was clearly visible on his face... He wanted to say something but Cheol groaned in pain gaining their attention...

"Holy shit... Let's take him to the room... I don't want to deal with him before Jimin" Taehyung nodded and they both took him to Jimin's room and Jun informed Jimin to which his cousin came running to see his boyfriend and eyed them to go out....even though Taehyung wanted to shower him with his questions but knowing the situation he stayed quite and silently left the room 

On the other hand, Hoseok requested for a burning hot knife, warm water and fresh cloth... He made Namjoon stand in front of him... And with a knife, he started removing the bullet
"Hyung please don't...." He tried to stop Hoseok but one glare from the elder made him stood straight...he didn't dared to utter a word but looking at his injured hand just making him feel more miserable then he already is....and the moment hoseok removed the bullet it  made Namjoon flinch hard…

Hoseok dropped the knife in the water bowl after wetting the cloth and cleaning his wound... The blood was still flowing out of it so he kept pressing the cloth tightly... He looked into Namjoon's eyes and said "you know... This wound doesn't even make up to the 1% of pain I am feeling after finding out the truth"

"I am so-sorry...i was scared...i..i... tried to..." But before he could finish his sentence hoseok left the room while banging the door shut......this just made Namjoon to cry harder...that his knees started to go weak and soon he fall on his knees ....he hold his stomach and hugged it "your dadda hates your appa now...." Saying that he started crying his heart out But soon his stomach started growling... Indicating that he needs food and on top of that... He doesn't have his medicines with him

Hoseok came out of the house for the fresh air... He doesn't know how to react... Namjoon means everything to him and the man was going to leave... He sat on the fire pit and glared at the flames But then he felt someone holding his wounded hand but surprisingly he didn't bother to turn around to see who it was.....even after 10 long years this touch is fresh in his memories...

so with a sigh he tried to yank his ex's hand but instead out letting him go jin tighten his hold arround his ex's hand and took a seat next to him while still holding it....and started examining his wound while occasionally glaring at him "so when did you became a doctor?"

Hoseok was still looking at the fire when he said "The day you left me" which is true... The wounded man barely visited the doctor when Namjoon forced him to... He most of the times treated his own wounds and injuries

Jin shook his head and let out a deep sigh...."isn't it weird?" This question got the attention Jin needed... Hoseok titled his face in the older's direction and raised his eyebrow "That we are in the same situation again? you my husband lied to me your boyfriend is pregnant....i don't understand why we have to go through this hell again" and at that very moment one staf came with the stuff Jin ordered him to bring for treating Hoseok's wound

The younger among to watched Jin's every move... How he gently started cleaning Hoseok's wound... "It's funny how we both are feeling betrayed yet they are the only ones running our minds"

"Ikr....i want to hate him for hiding this to me...but at the same time i can't...i love that idiot" he said while properly bandaging then prepared a tetanus shot to prevent any infection "but tell me one thing honestly...are you happy about the pregnancy?"

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