Chapter 10

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Yoongi and Taehyung were packing their stuff… "Hyungiee what did you feed him before his delivery that he got an exact copy of himself?" Tae asked staring at both the pouting kids

Yoongi turned to look at his husband and son who were looking hilarious this way... He chuckled "He used to crave weird things... Remember when he asked us to prepare the entire three course meal with peanut butter?"

Taehyung gasped"How can I forget....i literary vomit the day he ate plain rice with that peanut butter and chocolate" Tar made a weird face remembering those days Yoongi started laughing loudly "guess that peanut butter is the reason... He even ate the peanut butter ice cream" he said with a puking face and that's when they heard Jin's voice "If you are bitching about me at least make sure to keep it low" he yelled while his hands were covering Jungkook's ear who was looking at his Appa with wide eyes "What's the fun in that?"tae chuckled while checking if they were missing something or not

"Appa that's galss (gross)" Jungkook said scrunching his nose "What is. galss... I mean what is gross?" Jin asked to his son "Chute appa...what tit you hear" Jungkook showed his glossy bambi eyes with a big pout on his face Before Jin could say anything further...

Yoongi and Taehyung got into the car... "Babe seriously? Are you 5 year old to pick a fight with a toddler?" "He is a grown ass man trapped in the body of a toddler" he glare at Jungkook who glared back at his appa "I wonder where he gets it from" Taehyung said while looking at his brother Jin immediately came forward and pulled tae's ear and twist it hard "What you mean bitch"

"Ouchhh Yoongi Hyungggg" Taehyung looked at his brother-in-law with hopeful eyes... The said male sighed "babe... Sit back down..." His voice was soft yet demanding… "and Please come back home in one piece... I don't know about others but I fear your both will kill each other" he added before starting the engine "Means injuring each other is acceptable, right?" Jin asked curiously

"Yes of course after all we both are from medical background....we can easily treat each others in case we cause any serious injuries " Taehyung said while winking at his elder brother

Yoongi took a deep breath "no injuries, no getting drunk especially the one who is driving, no naked dancing on the bonnet and getting back home safely without causing any Chaos..." He said while looking in the rare view mirror…

"But a little soju won't hurt" Jin said while showing his hypothesis puppy eyes and tae immediately started nodding like crazy in agreement "you can drink but" he pointed at Taehyung "you won't"

"Waeeeeeeeeeeee" tae asked sulking "because you will be driving... So no drinking for you kiddo" he took a left turn and then the whole ride was quiet and peaceful...

Soon the clock ticked 6 and The Kim brothers were all set to leave on their brother bonding time After bidding goodbyes Kim brothers are in the highway enjoying the view

"hyungie ~" Jin hummed in response while looking outside of the window "Wanna go to our home?" Jin looked at Taehyung... Just to make sure the younger male was not joking... "Suddenly?"

"It's been years hyung we haven't met eomma appa...i know you do miss them" A sad smile appeared on Jin's lips... "Yeah... I do miss them... A lot "

"Then shall we?" Jin gave him a nod With that tae started driving towards their destination....he looked at jin for time to time only to see him looking outside being awfully quiet he sighed

"We don't have to if you aren't ready yet" Jin turned towards Taehyung... "I am good... It's just... It's been too long... Do you think they have forgiven me?" He remembers that night... When Jin was in middle school and Taehyung was just a toddler... Their parents were at work when SeokJin started vomiting due to the street food he ate with his friends... Their Nanny called Mr. Kim and informed him about Jin's condition... Not thinking twice, their parents got into the car but never came back home…

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