Chapter 49

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On the other hand Namjoon is seating outside the doctor's it's not the day of his first ultrasound but in past week instead of improving his health it just deteriorating....every morning is worst then the previous one...and from the past 2 days he was unable to hold a grain of rice and on top of that his mood swings... Even if he can tolerate his morning sickness but those mood swings are just unbearable even he doesn't know when he starts crying and when those cries turns into laughter...

He took a deep sigh to calm his nerves and put his phone out to distract himself only the find a text from specially someone

Lifeline❤️:where are you?

And a smile appeared on his face...ahhh he loves this man..he can express in words how greatfull he is to have him as his bestfriend... although he do crave to be someone more than just a bestfriend but he is more happy with whatever this friendship holds

Home🤍:Aren't you supposed to be in meeting right now?

Within a second, a message pooped on his screen...

Lifeline❤️: I am IN the meeting

Home🤍:Then why are you texting? focus on the meeting 😤

Lifeline❤️: Be glad that doc said no rough sex or I would have fucked you for behaving like this😏 also this shitty meeting is so boring... Wennie said you are not in office, so where are you?

Home🤍Yeah...i am out..will be back in an focus on your meeting so that i can give you the words best blow job as an reward 🌝🌚

Lifeline❤️: okay…

Namjoon was smiling at his phone screen when the nurse called his name "Mr. Kim, you are next" He took a deep breath and entered being nervous as hell...and entered the room but to his surprise someone else was also sitting on doctor's cabin other then doctor Wang..Dr. Wang gave a warm smile to Namjoon "Hello Mr. Kim... Please have a seat... He is my colleague and friend Dr. Min SeokJin" the said doctor waved at Namjoon happily..

Namjoon bowed at them with a small smile and took his seat opposite to Mr. Wang.."I see.. first trimester is taking tolls on you" Doctor said while looking at Namjoon's pale appearance "I am unable to hold anything on my stomach...i am following all the instructions you gave me but still it isn't getting any better and on top of that my mood swings are on its peak" he said all this while sadly looking at his stomach being worried about his dear child…

Before Dr. Wang could answer, they heard SeokJin's chuckle... "I am sorry but for someone who has given birth to a walking storm... I know what you are going through"

" Really? sometimes it feels so annoying right? know i crave for so many thing but my bestfriend never allows me to eat it saying all my nausea are because of eating all those 'according to him' weird food i ate"he started complaining with a huge pout on his face…

SeokJin nodded his head in understanding but before he could say something his pager beeped... "I gotta go... Mr. Kim if you are free we can discuss this whole pregnancy thing with you over coffee…"

"Sure thing doctor Seokjin" he bowed at the super nice doctor then looked straight to doctor Wang indicating him to continue "Mood swings and morning sickness is quite normal... Don't worry... I will prescribe some medicines to keep you morning sickness in control plus some vitamins along with that..." Dr. Wang said while writing down the medicines "also, avoid doing something that makes you emotional"

"As in?" He asked with a confused face "as in... Whatever triggers your emotional side... Things which make you cry... Like movie, food, or a person... Avoid doing those things or being around those people" Dr. Wang concluded before passing the prescription to Namjoon

Namjoon took the prescription and  bowed at him before leaving the room....he was feeling extremely weak so he decided to get an energy drink from the hospital's canteen...and sat on a corner table near the window to clear his mind...he looked at his stomach and smile "that doctor uncle was asking me to avoid being emotional.... only if he knew" he let out a deep sigh before taking a sipe from that energy drink "that drink is not good for your health or the baby's" a voice said from behind.

"Huh?" Saying that he turned to the direction of the voice only to see that doctor he met a few moments ago "oh doctor Seokjin hello" he said while bowing at the doctor..

SeokJin waved his hand in dismissal "yah stop bowing... You are expecting a child... Don't be so formal..." He took the energy drink out of Namjoon's hand "it is not good for you"

"Oh is that so...?ahh why pregnancy is so hard i am not allowed to eat the majority of the things i like" he whined with a sad pout...even though he himself is surprise on why he is whining in front of a stranger when he doesn't do that in front of hoseok...maybe it's easy to behave in certain way with a stranger who you  might never cross your path again or maybe because he knows the person in front of him have gone through the same thing he is going... whatever the reason is...he isn't complaining

SeokJin chuckled "I understand... When I was pregnant with Jungkook all I craved was peanut butter... I really gave hard time to my husband and brother"

"Really?i am having the same craving with chocolates... btw why are you still standing please take a seat " he stood up and motioned jin to take a second next to him"Jin smiled "hospital is not a right place to talk... Let's go to the cafe nearby... They serve the best chocolate cake... only, If you have time"

"Ofcourse" he responded with his dimple smile...

Soon they both are seating on the cafe waiting for their order to come "so how did your family reached to this it is so rare to be mprag...i wonder if many people even know about this term"

SeokJin hummed "it's true that male pregnancy is rare... When I found out I was pregnant I literally walked out of the washroom and started hitting my husband... The poor man was too shocked to understand what was happening but then he saw the pregnancy kit in my hand and then started crying because he was so overjoyed... Then we told my brother aka out first child... And he literally went on the roof top and yelled 'my brother is pregnant bitches'..." he chuckled remembering their excitement "how did your husband or boyfriend take the news?"

"I actually haven't told him about it...i am scared to see his reaction specially after knowing that he can't stand know few days ago i took a picture of a cute father son duo and he always burns in jealousy whenever i see their pictures" he said while taking his phone out to show the picture of that cute father-son duo..SeokJin's eyes grew wide and a smile appeared on his face "so you are that stranger who gave Jungkook his locket?"

"You know him?" He asked being confused…SeokJin started laughing "he is the storm I gave birth to"Really?you are his Appa? that's so gave birth to an adorable child…"

SeokJin rolled his eyes"yeah yeah... He is only adorable by looks... He is literal pain in the ass..." Just like that, SeokJin started sharing all about Jungkook's dramas and Namjoon listens with a wide smile on his face... He can't wait to meet his own child... But then his wonders why SeokJin hit his husband after finding out about the pregnancy... So he asked about it and the answer SeokJin gave shocked Namjoon "See... I really love Jungkook... I can literally die for him... But... I didn't want a child in the first place"

"Really?why not?" He asked being beyond shocked at how the person who is sharing all those big small moments about his little one never wanted him in the first place…

SeokJin gave him a bitter smile... "Because the idea of having a child scared me after-

I lost my first baby"

*No Proofread*

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