Chapter 113

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The said male scoffed and twisted Taehyung's wrist and everyone heard the crack of bone followed by the painful scream leaving Taehyung's mouth…

Yoongi's knees felt weak making him fall on the ground  "please leave him...i beg you" he let out a sob ...with tears never stopped escaping from the corner of his this moment he doesn't care if he is a Mafia King or he is begging .. the only thing that matters to him if his baby's safety....

Taehyung is not only his brother-in-law or his first child but also the one his safe place...the one who he raised... the one with who he shares everything with...the one who is in immense pain and still there is nothing in his hands....he never felt this helpless in his life not even the time when his brother and father were killed in front of his eyes...he kept on begging praying all the gods and devils to do a miracle and save his baby's life

Jimin wasn't any better....he kneed down as well begging for his soulmate's life.... only he knows how he is managing to hold back his tears...after his father's death it was Taehyung who gave him the hope to continue his life...who loved him life a real brother...who never leaves his side even when jimin tried to push him out of his life after his father's death...he stayed... Taehyung is not just a friend or a brother to him.... Taehyung is his life...he can not only beg but can happily die for his dear best friend

Sehun's smirk got wider looking at mafia king and one of the most powerful mafia boss begging for this golden-brown haired male but then to his surprise his son joined them and started being his angel....he gave his son a pitiful laugh but Hoseok doesn't care...if begging to his father can save his dear angel....he is ready for it....he is already really guilty knowing Taehyung would have never been here if he haven't had given him the gun or trained him how to use it....he cursed himself for Taehyung's condition...and he literally can do anything in his hand to save him....even if that means begging to someone he hates the most

Sehun was so distracted by Yoonminseok that he didn't noticep when DK scooted closer and kicked the gun that was pointed on the side of Taehyung's head... This action caused the old man to lose his hold around Taehyung's wrist and use his presence of mind...

The younger male immediately took out the knife Hoseok gave to him and placed it on Sehun's throat... "tell your men to drop their weapons because the slightest cut is enough to kill you…"Sehun gulped and immediately motion them to do as he says ...."good, now release them " pointing at Yoongi ,jimin and hoseok..When he tried to put his hand in the pocket, Taehyung stopped him...

"Hoshi Hyung... Take the remote…"Hoshi immediately took the remote from his pocket and release the cage....and Taehyung being Taehyung immediately started jumping like a happy child "see hyung...i did that so smoothly....ahhh...i was looking so cool"

Sehun used this as an opportunity to get the knife from Taehyung and tried to attack him but the younger male dodged it... The old man was again going for Taehyung's chest but Yoongi held the knife... Sharp edges pierced through the soft skin of his palm... Making the crimson blood ooze out


Taehyung yelled out and immediately kicked Sehun's stomach making him lose the hold on the knife...."shit i am so sor-" before he could get the chance to finish his sentence one of the guards shot Taehyung's arm as the commotion caused a Chaos and everyone including Yoongi's team reached out to the weapons as well... Cross firing caused DK and Hoshi to get severely injured... Yoongi felt a little dizzy but ignored it and started punching and kicking Sehun "Hoseok and Jimin... Take everyone out of here"

They both immediately nodded and started escorting everyone out  specially the injured ones....Mr.Yoon took Wonwoo in his arms and ran out while tearing hurts to see this bad condition of his future son-in-law but it hurts even more is to know that he is the main reason for his poor condition...if he hadn't took all those bullets to save him...he won't be fighting for his dear life now...

While on the other hand both  Jimin and Hoseok are trying their best to convince Taehyung to go with them but he isn't letting them ...."I will go with Yoongi Hyung only... You take others out" he yelled while holding his arm and glaring at them…Jimin tried to carry him...but he didn't let him..... Jimin tried to make him understand but Taehyung being Taehyung continued glaring at him…

Sehun kicked Yoongi making him lose balance because of the effect of poison and blood loss... Hoseok was about to shoot Sehun but his mom and aunts were already charging at him…"He is our culprit...and we will send him to hell" saying that Hana took the poisoned knife and stab his husband's chest then he passed it to Hyejin who again started him with all strength she had...then she passed it to her younger sister and just like that three of them started brutally murdered him without showing any mercy just how he never showed to them before ruining their lives

Yoongi sat beside Taehyung... "Why are you still here?" He asked while keeping his head on the younger's shoulder…Taehyung hissed but smiled and started caressing his hyung's hair forgetting the fact that there is a bullet inside his hand and blood is flowing through the bullet wound"because you are still here"

Yoongi groaned in pain... "You are an idiot... Why did you disobey me?" His voice was barely above whisper…Taehyung bite his lips to prevent himself from groaning but then a smile appeared on his face"i am sorry....but i don't regret it.... fighting by your side is way better than dying out of worriedness" he said while still smiling and caressing his brother-in-law's sculp

"Jin will never forgive me if something happened to you" Yoongi stated the obvious, the older male would forever hate him... Both of them were slowly losing their consciousness "Dont worry hyungie...i am alright...but promise me you will recover before me...or i am not waking up… it's way better than being killed by Jin hyung "with that he started snuggling into his hyung's embrace

"you promise me that you will fight it... I want you to live for me... And this time... I really don't want you to disobey me... Or... Or... I will make you sit in a time out" Yoongi felt the heat leaving his body and a wave of coldness took over his body

"i... accept..the..time out....i facing...Jin hyung...withou......" Unfortunately before he could complete his sentence darkness took over him making his body numb....but surprisingly even in his unconscious state the smile never faded from his face....maybe it's the satisfaction of being helpful to his hyung...or maybe...just maybe...he doesn't want to leave this world with a sad cold face…

*No Proofread*

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