Chapter 27

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On the other hand Namjoon woke up and found himself in his best friend's arms he looked at his direction and a small smile appeared on his face...the elder is literally sleeping like a toddler having a big pouty lips while scrunching his nose in every once in a while indicating he might wake up soon....and unknowingly a smile appeared on his face...he pecked those juicy pouty lips and tried to get up but Hoseok's hold tightened around his waist "don't leave me"

Namjoon chuckled and kissed his forehead "but we have a lot of work to do baby" his actions even shocked himself... he doesn't know why he kissed hoseok's forehead they never kiss each other on forehead or cheeks and on top of that he called Hoseok "baby"'s literally the first time he called him something other than hyung or daddy being embarrassed he simply closed his eyes and hide himself more in hoseok's embrace while cursing himself for this action as well…

Hoseok who was still in deep sleep didn't registered a word Namjoon said... In all honesty, he wasn't asking Namjoon to not leave him... It wasn't the younger male he was dreaming about... "Please don't leave me" he again repeated his words but this time he choked on them... And tears started falling from his closed eyes…Making the younger panic he immediately pulled the elder in his embrace while kissing his head multiple times "shush baby...i am here... please don't cry" he kept on kissing and caressing the older and soon he did stopped crying but was still holding onto Namjoon like he will disappear if he leaves him Hoseok hissed in pain when he pulled Namjoon more closer as the younger's Body came in direct contact with his opened wound... The older male opened his eyes and saw Namjoon in his arms... "Joon?" He questioned... More like trying to figure out what is reality and what is a lie…

Namjoon smiled softly while still caressing his head "you were having a bad dream...are you alright now?" Hoseok didn't reply and immediately kissed the younger male…Which the younger responded with a same passion while tracing his hand of older's back

The older man moved over Namjoon and quickly undressed the younger male along with himself... before entering in the familiar heat... Not giving him the chance to adjust, Hoseok started thrusting harder and faster... "tell me you will never leave me... You will stay with me…"

"I can never leave you hyung....never ever " he responded sincerely looking into the older's eyes who is still thrusting hard inside him "you are mine... You belong to me... Only me" Hoseok said, his pace grew violent before he came in Namjoon…"Yes... only yours ~" with that he closed his eyes enjoying the feeling of that hot liquid inside him he looked at hoseok who was already looking at him and the moment their eyes need the older immediately pulled the younger to an urgent kiss


Two best friends are seating in the canteen right now where the one is begging for his best friend's forgiveness whereas other is glued to his phone ignoring his best friend's existence

"I am sorry please stop ignoring me" Jimin sighed and looked up from his phone "you idiot... Your hyper ass is now the reason why I have to go on a date with him" he lightly hit Taehyung's head

"Ouch...but that's a good thing right?" He asked rubbing the place where his bestfriend hit him

Jimin shrugged "I don't know... He looks really happy" he looked in the direction where Cheol was sitting with his friends... When his eyes met with Jimin... The older male gave a big smile to him... Which made Jimin also smile at him awkwardly…Whereas Taehyung smile widely seeing his bestfriend and his future brother-in-law's little moment he immediately waved at them and asked them to come over to seat with them...

Jimin pinched Taehyung's thigh "what are you doing" he whisper-yelled at the younger male "Ahh...this hurts you idiot....and i am preparing you for your big date" he winked at his best friend's and smiled at his seniors who made their way to vmin's table

Seungcheol waved at them as he took a seat opposite to Jimin... While Hoshi, Jeonghan, Wonwoo and Jun said hello to both the Juniors Tae bowed at all of them and replyed with a hello while adding fore more names to his crush list whereas Jimin just smiled at them awkwardly before munching his food not knowing what else he is supposed to do that this very moment

"So... Umm we got to know that Jimin agreed to go out on a date with this idiot" Jeonghan said while pointing at Seungcheol... His other friends started laughing... But Wonwoo wrapped his arm around Jeonghan "babe... You can't say such things about our best friend... What will they think?" Taehyung cut the two names from his list immediately when he saw Jeonghan leaning on Wonwoo… And being the curious child tae is he couldn't help but ask  "so seonbae-nim when are you taking my Jimjam out for a date?" Jimin glared in Taehyung's direction while others where looking at Cheol for the answer "uhm... I was thinking of this evening if he is okay with it" Cheol said while looking hesitantly at Jimin...

They all looked at Jimin's direction who awkwardly nodded making Cheol sigh in relief and Taehyung immediately stood up from his chair and yelled "MY BESTIE FINALLY GOT HIS FIRST DATE...WOOOHOOO" Jimin pulled Taehyung down immediately... "What are you doing?" He whisper-yelled at his best friend as everyone in the cafeteria was looking in their direction.... while the five other young men on their table started laughing at the younger's cute behaviour "what i am happy for you....ahhhhh you got your first date...i am so happy for you" saying that he hugged his bestfriend

*No Proofread*

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