Chapter 69

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Namjoon is sitting in front of his mother's grave... pouring his heart out in the form of tears... he can't believe what he heard... "why Eomma... was i not enough? was i just a toy for him to use?" he is blaming the minute he decided to go back home and tell Hoseok about his pregnancy... he was determined to get his things straight with the older male... he was tired of fighting his inner self... Hoseok is the father of his child... the older male deserves to know about his child... but the moment he got home, the main door was opened and the scene in front of made his steps halt and he froze instantly...

Jin chuckled bitterly "yeah hiding your identity playing with others feeling killing your own child non of this is considered as player right...." he came in front of Hoseok and held his collar"listen to me Jung broke my heart...i stayed killed my child...i still staying quite...but if you dare to lay a finger on my brother...i won't stay quiet...."

Namjoon sobbed... "he killed his own child eomma... and he is playing with Dr. Seokjin's brother's feelings... he said they have done things behind the closed doors... same things he has done with me so many times..."

He left the house when Jin slapped Hoseok... he heard enough... and wasn't interested to know anything…Hoseok not only used him but hid so many things from him... he was in a relationship before... he got Jin pregnant... he killed the child... and now, he is using Jin's brother... then where does Namjoon stand in Hoseok's life? he was just crying and crying while blaming himself for catching feelings for that monster who he use to think as an angel....

After a long time those cries turned into sobs he again looked at his mother's grave and caressed it softly "i miss you eomma....i can't do this anymore..i want to come to you.....eomma please take me with you.... please" with that his sobs again turned into cries but then a wave of dizziness hit him.... making him realise that he is not alone...he no matter how much he wants to give up...but he can't he have to survive for his little one...he slowly caressed his stomach "sorry baby appa is really bad...he is again putting your health at risk..."

Then took a deep breath and calmed himself down while wipping his tears "but this won't happen your security is appa's only priority....appa will fight my child he will fight for us...i love you my child" but at that very moment he felt someone's hand on his shoulder

"Namjoon-ahh" a very familiar voice rang through his ear... the man who took his dreams away... the man who pushed him into the mafia world... the man who is the real reason for his misery... his father is standing right behind him

Namjoon's teary eyes turned dark within a fraction of few seconds he made a fist to hold himself back from doing something he might regret later...he stood up and started walking away from that male but then he back hugged him "Joonie please listen to your Appa baby..." 

Namjoon didn't listen and hand yanked his hands away " please for the sake of your eomma" mentioning his dead mother most certainly halted his steps "you only have 2 mins... speak"tears started to fall from his eyes he hold his son's hands but Namjoon immediately yanked it away....

He took a deep breath before saying "I know what i did was wrong my child but i was forced to.... your Eomma was very sick at that time and i didn't had any money but i couldn't just leave her to die right?so i took loan from that basterd and trust me when i say that i tried my level best to repay the money but i couldn't manage that massive amount in such a short time when i pleaded for more time to  reply his money  he threatened me that he will kill all three of us if i won't give you to me i never sell you...they took you away from me my child....i know it's too hard to forgive me but please i beg you...i only have you....if not for me then for your was her last wish to see us happy together like a family again.... please baby please give your father a last chance please "and by the end of his sentence he fall on his knees while locking his hands together started being for his son to stay with him

Namjoon doesn't even know how to react... should he really believe this man? should he go with him? but he has already planned to leave hoseok, right? then... but he cannot stay here... the older male will find him immediately... he needs to leave the country as soon as possible... "i don't trust you Mr. Kim... after everything, it is nearly impossible for me to believe you... but if you really want a chance then okay... i will give you chance but we cannot live here" Mr.Kim immediately hugged him and started crying harder "thank you my child...and yes we will leave this shitty place as soon as possible...i am sorry my child i love you"

Namjoon's lips slightly curved upwards... maybe this is the new beginning he is hoping for... he will miss Hoseok... of course the older male has given him everything... but he can't repay for that by sacrificing his child... he loves the unborn more than he has ever loved somebody...he closed his eyes and mentally apologized to his best friend "i am sorry hyung... but this is for the best"

*No Proofread*

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