Chapter 18

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Jin looked at the bottle with wide eyes then he glared at Taehyung "we both drink two bottles by sharing....means we each had almost one bottle...will you mind explaining about the rest Mr.Kim" Taehyung scratched the back of his head "I was just upset... And also missing Eomma Appa... When you cried... I felt like something broke inside me... I couldn't take it... I am sorry" he looked down as tears started building in his eyes and a frowny pout became even more prominent

Jin's eyes soften and he hugged Taehyung hiding his face in his embrace "i am sorry kid...i shouldn't have cried like that" Jin started drawing circles on Taehyung's back while feeling guilty about the entire situation

Taehyung moved away and slapped Jin's arm "you should have cried sooner... Bottling up your emotions made you break down like that... Why you always hide your emotions huh? Tell me" he again hit Jin… Jin also started tearing up "i just didn't want to bother you....but thank you for yesterday don't know how light i am feeling right now because of you .. thank you" They hugged eachother and started crying... Yoongi was looking at them while Jungkook fell asleep on his dadda's head

After a lot of crying tae wiped his elder brother's tears and kissed his forehead "even though you are hella annoying still you are the best hyungie...i am sure eomma appa must be really proud of you...and even you should be proud of yourself the way you took care of me like a parent i am sure even some real parents won't be able to do that...even till this date you are taking my personality....i am so greatfull to have you in my life....i love you hyungie...we all love you... please promise me you will never bottle up your emotions like that" Jin Chuckled and smacked Taehyung's head "I love you too and I promise"

Taehyung rubbed the part where Jin hit "good for you... because if you ever do that again i will beat the shit out of it" Jin again hit him "I am your Hyung" and just like that both the siblings started hitting war...

Yoongi came to the living room after tugging Jungkook in the bed and saw both the Kims in cat fight "What is going on?" They both stopped and gave a cheesy smile to Yoongi "nothing just enjoy our brotherly time" Jin said glaring at Taehyung who immediately glare back at him

Yoongi them a look "Tae... Go to sleep... You drank a lot yesterday... Take some rest and we will leave in the evening" he said while walking outside of the house…

Tae whispered to his brother "do you think he is still mad at us?' Jin shrugged... "I don't think so... Did you do anything else other than drinking? Because we were at home... Safe and sound so there is no way he would be mad at us for drinking…"

"No other then asking for cigarette i didn't do anything....but are you sure? should we double check it?" He asked looking towards the door "Wait a goddamn minute... You asked him for what?"

Taehyung cursed under his breath realising what he just said "What.... nothing kookie must be looking for me i should go see him" like that he ran away from their with the speed of light

Jin sighed and looked in the direction his went and decided to follow him...


On the other hand... Namjoon was on his four... Face buried in the pillow while Hoseok fucks him mercilessly "How dare he to hack into our system.... Literally OUR...what he thinks he will get away this easily that to in my Jung Hoseok's presence.....once we catch him i will make sure to torcher him till he will beg for this death" with that he grabbed Namjoon's neck making him chock from the blockage of air… Namjoon moaned at the rough pace... In last two days they have hand more sex than in a month

Soon hoseok left Namjoon's poor neck to let him breath "don't worry daddy...i am here right....i will handle please just relax and enjoy the moment" he said with a smirk plastered on his face....he have already planned on how wrapped those basterds arround his finger

Hoseok smacked Namjoon's butt... Making the flesh turn red... After few more thrusts both of them cummed at the same time... The older male was quick to clean them and wear his clothes before walking out... Leaving Namjoon alone on the bed

Namjoon let out a breath of relief...from all those intense intimate sessions his lower region is acing like crazy but is he complaining?nahhhh...he loves the feeling of older man inside him...the pleasure he gets just by thinking about him is way more than 100 chicks together.... He was just resting on the bed that's when a picture of them together caught his eyes and unknowingly a big smile appeared on his face....his beautiful brown orbs and that sunkissed skin and that extremely rare but that heart smile.....he is just too lucky to have such a amazing best friend

He was lost in his thoughts that's when a notification sound ringed indicating he got a message...he looked at it and a huge smirk plastered on his face

Hoseok was in the living room with a mafia boss and his men of different city... They were discussing about the meeting at King's palace when Namjoon came into the living room making his way towards the kitchen... He barely sparing a glance at the other men... Namjoon is not fond of meetings and shit... In the kitchen he saw their cooks preparing a buffet… He motioned them to leave from their and started preparing a wonderful meal for both of them

Hoseok excused himself as his phone started ringing... He disappeared behind the black door... When Wooshi, the mafia boss stood up and made his way towards the kitchen... He saw Namjoon cooking something... He scanned the male from head to toe... Namjoon was wearing a lose tshirt and comfortable knee length shorts... "Hey" Wooshi said

Namjoon looked at him with a cold face and bowed "do you need something Mr.Choi?" The said male smirked "you" Namjoon rolled his eyes and again started chopping the veggies "too bad we can't get everything we want"

Wooshi sighed "Just like you can never Hoseok... After all... You are nothing but his personal" he leaned towards Namjoon's ear "slut" with that he walked out of the Kitchen

Namjoon tighten his hold around the knife and started aggressively cut the slices without saying a world… Hoseok came into the kitchen and saw Namjoon's aggressive chopping... He stood behind the younger male and held Namjoon's hand... "Don't play with knife in the kitchen"

"So you want me to chop them on bed?"Namjoon asked with a blank face

Hoseok was taken back by the reply... But shrugged it off "Well no... Just slice them with little elegance... You know... Like this" he tightly held Namjoon's hand before guiding it on the veggies... His one hand slipped under the younger's t-shirt... While lips were marking his already bruised neck... Namjoon was to give in when he recalled the words of Wooshi...

"After all, you are nothing but his personal sult"

*No Proofread*

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