Chapter 25

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On the other hand our little toddler is licking his empty bowl of ice-cream not like a cat where as one of the adult is trying his best to do this assignment but failing miserably while the other elder is just playing with his phone like always Taehyung groaned and banged his head on the table making Jungkook and Jimin look at him...

"TaeTae" the toddler said with a hint of worry in his voice while his best friend went back to his game "Ouch.....i am okay Kookiee don't worry" he said as he picked his little toddler and kissed his entire face making him giggle.."I told you... Take my assignment but you aren't listening to me" Jimin said while not taking his eyes off of the phone screen

"But that will be cheating... Ughhhhh... How do you manage to do everything while still glueing your eyes to that stupid phone of seriously how?" Tae started whining. It's true that even being stuck to his so-called games he always manages to get the highest score in his class…

Jimin smirked and shrugged... "Magic"Tae just shook his head "can you help me with the assignment please?i don't wanna copy yours but it's too hard to understand" Jimin locked his phone screen before making his way towards his best friend... He took a chair and started explaining everything to Taehyung...

And the assignment that he felt would take an infinite amount of time got completed in the next 45 mins... Jungkook who was on Taehyung's lap was also listening to whatever they were discussing with his big eyes... As if he was going to understand any of the medical terms... The poor child can barely manage to say the numbers in proper sequence

Tae gave his body a good stretch before picking Jungkook up and tucked him in bed then he looked at his best friend with a smirk "are we still down for it?" Jimin mirrored Taehyung's smirk and winked at him

Jungkook was looking at him with narrowed eyes... He needs to tell this to Appa when he gets home…Tae then turned to Jungkook and started petting his head in order to make him fall asleep..The toddler soon drifted to dreamland hoping that he will remember this in morning

And the moment that toddler slept tae signalled his best friend and he immediately pulled out two bottles of beer and started settling up the snacks where as he turned on the home theatre which is in the other room and picked an horror movie....both best friends are a great fan of horror's their unspoken rule to watch horror movies in every sleepover "So... Did you have the moving out talks with your brother?" Jimin asked while taking a sip of his beer

"Yeah....and now I am feeling like hitting myself for ever considering it...they are all I have....I can't live without them chim" Jimin scoffed "it took a while to realise it…" Tae rolled his eyes "yeah yeah.... tell me what you thought about that cutie who asked you out that other day?"

Jimin motioned him that he will answer after chewing down the chips he had in his mouth... "Seungcheol? He is nice and hot but I thought you had a crush on him" the male just few months older than Taehyung said... It is true that Taehyung had a puppy crush on their senior because he had the same vibes like his brother-in-law... The cold yet cute appearance... Gummy smile... Protective nature towards the people he care... But when he heard Seungcheol talking to his friends about Jimin in the cafeteria couple of months ago... He got a new crush on his classmates... Taehyung who has never had any relationship does have many crushes... It's not like he can date them all but hey... At least he can imagine…

"I like almost every person i see...that doesn't mean i can date all of them right?if you like him you should genuinely go for it"tae said showing his boxy smile....even though he likes that person but he more likes the idea of having another brother-in-law as his more then brother like best friend's boyfriend

"I don't know... What if he turns out to be an Asshole? What if he just wants me for my body? What if he just like the idea of having me as his because I am the cutest guy in the college? There are so many what ifs, you know" Jimin said it all in one go…

Taehyung burst out laughing "yeah are as cute as a baby duckling"Jimin punched Taehyung's upper arm "shut up" Tae immediately hugged him "common Jimjam how will you know it if you don't give it a try?....even if your what if's are true there is nothing wrong in give it a try.....and you should feel lucky that guys don't run away after proposing you.. unlike with me....i don't understand how the fuck they just disappear a day after proposing if you don't want to date me then don't ask me out na....but no they just love to hook me up like that" Jimin gave a sad smile to Taehyung...

"I am sure you will find your Mr. Prefect soon... Come on let's finish this movie" they snuggled closer... Literally cuddling one another... Jimin had his head kept between Taehyung's chest and collar bone when he said "I will go out on a date with him"Tae's eyes sparkled with joy he immediately wrapped his arms around jimin's waist and hold him closer...and kissed his forehead "that's like my jimjam" Jimin smiled and both of them started watching movie before drifting into dreamland…

*No Proofread*

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