Chapter 58

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On the other hand... Hoseok was in his living room... He sent all the staff out... He wanted to be alone and good thing Namjoon was also somewhere out making it easy for him the be in not so peaceful silence... Or more like with the memories of Him and SeokJin together…


A 16 year old hoseok is seating on the corner of the playground all alone and sad...he is looking at all the kids playing happily...but looking at their happy playful faces are just making him feel more hurt and lonely…that's when a senior came and sat next to him

"hey kid, why are you sitting alone?" he asked, showing his adorable soft smile… Hoseok rolled his eyes... "you are just a few months older than me Jin" his voice was blank and colourless…

Jin rolled his eyes "still i am older so you should respect me"hoseok didn't say anything and turned his face in another direction... he is not into socialising with people and he never understood as to why seokjin, the social butterfly of their school talks to him... even though he pushes the older male away multiple times... he comes back…

Jin dramatically shook his head while mumbling "kids these days" saying that he passed a lunch box which he made for the younger...he then stood up and patted the younger's head "you need to eat to be fit kido" and with that he ran towards his other friends Hoseok watched the senior's disappearing figure... then averted his gaze to the pink lunch box the older male has left for him... this has been taking place from last one year... everyday, without a fail, Seokjin brings lunch for him... in the beginning, Hoseok constantly refused to take the lunch but now, he may or may not be waiting for Seokjin's lunch box... it's not like he cannot afford anything... he can literally buy any food he wants but he has gotten used to eating seokjin's freshly cooked meal…so, without a second thought he opened the lunch box

 he can literally buy any food he wants but he has gotten used to eating seokjin's freshly cooked meal…so, without a second thought he opened the lunch box

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his lips slightly curved upward as he started eating while watching other kids play

soon the long school hour ended and hoseok packed his bag to return back home that's when he felt a tap on his shoulder...he sighed but didn't even bothered to turn back knowing who the person is....he took the empty lunch box out and passed it to the older

"so did you like it?i made it with my own hands" hoseok shook his head." what's new? you make all the dishes with your own hands" jin raised his eyebrow "means you know still you don't give any complement to my hard work" again shook his head "kids these days have no courtesy" Hoseok turned around and peaked seokjin's cheek before walking away…

Jin's eyes widen in shock but then a soft smile appeared on his face "yahh you should always kiss cheeks in pair....common give me another one" too bad before he could complete his sentence the younger male left

It was evening and Seokjin was working in cvs... the best part about his job is that there is a box called 'tip for employee'it usually happens in restaurants but the owner decided to keep it for his employees to earn a little extra... he was at the checkin counter when someone place a pack of cigarettes and chocolate bar at the counter…he smiled and scanned the qr code "that will be 6000 won..thank you" saying that he bowed at the customer without even looking at his face the guy handed him the cash before picking up the pack of cigarettes and left not forgetting to put a generous amount of money in the tip box…but then he noticed the bar of chocolate on the counter....

Thinking that customer might have forgotten to take it he called "excuse me sir, you forgot your chocolate" the guy wearing thick jacket turned around and said "that's for you" Hoseok smirked when he saw Seokjin's wide eyes and walked away a cigarette in his mouth Jin's face turned pink from shyness... FINALLY his crush also started to like him back he immediately jumped out of excitement but then his face turned completely red in embarrassment from the looks others were given him...

Hoseok came back to his empty studio apartment... the place was small but filled with luxury... his father offered to buy the most expensive villa in the city but hoseok declined... there is no way he will make himself feel lonelier than he already is... there is barely anything for him to do... studies? he doesn't care... especially when he knows his final destination is the be part of his father's dark world... he dropped himself on the couch and closed his eyes... immediately an image of the most beautiful human appeared  in front of him and just like everyday, Hoseok smiled…that's when a sound of notification ringed on his phone....he turned it on and his smile grew wider

love💓:if you think you can get away with my lecture for buying those horrible things with that chocolate then you are wrong😠...get ready to have a long ass lecture from me😤...btw thanks for the chocolate

myhope: why do you care so much?

love💓: that's not the answer to my question😑...(shook head)kids these days🤦🏻‍♀️

myhope: focus on your work Seokjin... they will fire you

love💓:how do you know i am still at work....are you spying on me👀👀👀

hoseok rolled his eyes but the smile never disappeared from his face...

myhope: your shift ends at 8:30 and it's 7... so it is pretty obvious and you are right... i am spying on you... protect that pretty ass of yours

love💓: aren't you getting too possessive over someone you don't even like (pout)

myhope: who said i don't like you?

love💓:so do you like me👀

myhope: go back to work... you are really annoying

love💓: no first tell me what you wanna eat with my lecture?

myhope: you

love💓:do i look like a food to you.. idiot 😡

love💓:first ask me out on a date then i might consider it💅

myhope: why will I ask you out on a date? you are annoying

love 💓:yahh i am elder...give me some respect you idiot...and just because you called me annoying get ready to eat broccoli 😤

myhope: 😘

love💓: am i seeing things or the great Jung Hoseok is using emoji that too kiss one...oh my gosh....still you are getting the lacture so be ready for it byeeeee

myhope: bye Jin

Hoseok chuckled at Jin's cutely weird behaviour but then he got another notification thinking it's from jin he immediately opened it up but got disappointed when it wasn't from jin but from someone he hates from the core of his heart

"i want you in my basement in exactly 20 minutes"

*No Proofread*

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