Chapter 98

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Mrs. Min was telling her pregnancy story to Namjoon and Jungkook who was sitting on the preggo's lap and their faces were changing their expressions with every sentence... It's funny how a fully grown man was looking no less than a toddler…

Jungkook leaned in to Namjoon's stomach and kissed his "babi chu are my good brother write...don't tobol joonie uncle like dadda did to grandma...chur tukkie hyunne bill share his chocolates with chu"he hugged the said male's belly buried his face on his dear uncle's stomach

Namjoon and Mrs. Min laughed at the toddler antics... He might act like a little brat but Yoongi and Jin along with Taehyung have done a remarkable job in raising Jungkook... He knows where his demands will get fulfilled and when he needs to act like a gentleman... Sometimes, it even surprises the old lady how Jungkook can say things like a fully grown man...

Namjoon caressed Jungkook's soft hair... "The baby is lucky to have a Hyung/Oppa like you, Jungkook"

Jungkook giggled "tukkiee ish now a big brother....means he is a big boy now....tukkiee promises to take care of babi how he take cares of his babi appa" he again hugged Namjoon's belly…Mrs. Min giggled "I hope your appa don't listen to this or you will be in great trouble, young man... You know Namjoon... Hoseok also used to be the same at Jungkook's age" Both Namjoon and jungkook looked at each other then at mrs.min with big wide eyes "really/weally?" They asked in union….Mrs. Min nodded... "Yah... He was a hyped kid back then... He was really cute and always stick to his mom... You know, Hana and Hoseok used to dance together and it was really surprising to see a 3 year old dance so gracefully"

"Weally? Tukkieee also wanna dance bith him...." He made grabby hands to Namjoon "take tukkie to him.... tukkie also wanna shee his dance" While the said male was still shocked... Jung Hoseok... The mafia boss who kills people like he is shooting balloons... Used to dance? DANCE?

Mrs. Min laughed looking at their reaction...."i don't think it's possible to make him dance now"

Jungkook puff his cheeks "tukkie bill do that now take tukkie to him..... tukkiee wanna shee him dance" Namjoon hesitantly nodded and picked Jungkook up in his arms... They went into the kitchen but Hoseok wasn't there...

However, the kimchi fried rice was already prepared... Namjoon and Jungkook pouted, they were planning to go back to their room when they heard some voices at the distance...

They followed the source that brought them into the backyard where Hoseok was handling the BBQ chicken while Yoongi and Wonwoo were being questioned by their respective partners about the war and mafia stuff…

Hoseok saw his boyfriend and immediately ran towards him...he took the toddler in his arm and give a hand to his boyfriend to come seat with them "you came on the right time baby....wanna have some BBQ?or the kimchi fried rice?or both?"

Namjoon chuckled and sat beside Cheol who arrived there with Jun and Hoshi after the amazing smell of barbecue hit their nostrils... "I would love to have both, Hyung" he said shyly as Hoseok kissed his cheek...

The older nodded and was about to go in When Jungkook cupped Hoseok's face in his small hands and stared deep into those dark orbs... "Dance bith me"

Hoseok stared at Jungkook for a brief moment being confused on why this toddler suddenly asked him to dance special in presence of all those teenagers who will definitely dance for him if he asks...then why him?...he softly pecked the toddler's cheeks "i don't know the d of dancing baby...why don't you ask someone else''

Jungkook glared at the older male... "Chu cair... Grandma told me chu dance" now, this caught the attention of everyone sitting in the backyard... Vmin are clearly missing the best show but they don't care about it especially when they can enjoy each other's company...

Namjoon was secretly hoping for Hoseok to agree... But he knows that his boyfriend will never dance Hoseok let out a deep's true he once use to enjoy dancing more than his life...he still remembers that heavenly feeling of him in his eomma's embrace...and both of them moving their body freely to the rhythm of the song...the term 'dance' was never just a dance to him it was the mother-son duo's escape from this cruel world....but after his mother's disappearance the way to their escape was gone...forget about dancing he never listen to music after that....

Jin knows his hatred towards singing and dancing so he stood up to make his son stop bothering him but to his surprise Hoseok smiled at the toddler "okay,but you will dance with me right?" His words even surprised himself but maybe it's about time he finds his way back to his lovely escape

Jungkook nodded his head... "Yesh... Tukiee loves dancing…" He kissed jungkook's forehead "then let's dance" he took jungkook little far from where everyone was seating and asked one of the staff to play a music....and the moment sound of the beat reached his ears his body automatically started moving with it....he let his body move the way it wants untill he wasn't even his body was there but his soul left the place to meet sanity.....he could no longer see or hear was just him the music and the toddler....and a hope....that he will soon be back in his mother's embrace again…Jungkook was amazed like everyone else... The toddler is smiling wide... He is so happy right now... For Jungkook... There is no such thing as worry... He only loves and live in the moment... Others are shocked with their mouths wide open... SeokJin and Namjoon are surprised to see Hoseok dancing like a pro while others are just fanboying over the talent of Mafia boss Jungkook motioned them to join....and that's what they did..

Jin and jeonghan matched up to the mafia boss and the toddler Cheol Jun and hoshi was vibing it but at the same time wishing to have their respective lovers by there side to enjoy the moment to the fullest whereas Namjoon,woonwo and Yoongi are standing on the corner admiring their respective lovers with a huge smile plastered on their faces Mrs. Min was watching everything from her balcony...

She had a faint smile on her face... Her family looks so happy... A tear escaped from her left eye when she realised that this might be the last happy moment of their lives…

*No Proofread*

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