Chapter 83

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Jungkook immediately got down from his appa's lap and ran towards his grandma who  picked him up and started showing him kisses making him giggle "mu tukie?and chocolates?" he asked forwarding his hand..

Mrs. Min Chuckled and made Jungkook sit on the side table before opening her giant purse and pulling out a cookie box and pack of chocolates Jungkook started clapping his hands with excitement but then opened the box and looked at the woman standing in front of him with a raised eyebrow "you made it write?"

Mrs. Min started laughing...
And pulled out the orginal cookie box that she made for her grand-son... "I knew you will find out... Here"

Jungkook started giggling and opened the box and immediately took a bite and moaned at its taste he then turn around to give others his grandma's special cookies but everyone except for Yoongi Jimin and Jun's mouth were shocked with their mouth hu...

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Jungkook started giggling and opened the box and immediately took a bite and moaned at its taste he then turn around to give others his grandma's special cookies but everyone except for Yoongi Jimin and Jun's mouth were shocked with their mouth hung open...

Jungkook let out a sigh and walked towards Jin and stuff a cookie into his mouth then did the same with Taehyung and Namjoon by the time he reached Hoseok's the older was out of shock so he himself took 2 cookies to which Jungkook immediately slapped his hand and glared at him "only one" he said making Hoseok pouted but put one down anyway making youngest smile...

Then when it's Cheol's turn his mouth was close but eyes were still wide open so put the box down and take out two cookies and placed it on both of his eyes then put forward the box to Jimin and Jun who smiling took it with a thank you making Jungkook giggle and he then sat on his dadda's lap and both of them started munching on it ignoring everyone else present in the room

Mrs. Min with a wide smile walked towards them and kissed SeokJin and Taehyung's foreheads... "My precious babies" he sat on the big empty chair... "Each one of you will get two questions to ask... So, start" Cheol was the first one to raise his hand "if you are really related to my mother then how we never heard or saw you?"

Mrs. Min smiled... "When was the last time you even heard about your own mother, my child?"

Cheol looked down "at the age of was the last time when i saw her"

Mrs. Min nodded... "Yeah... That was the time when Jung Sehun found out he will need all three of us... I am the oldest one... Hoseok's mother... Hana was the middle child and your mother was youngest... Hoseok was 3 years old when Sehun got to know about the diamond... he locked Hana in the basement and tortured her everyday for years to tell him the location but she kept denying until he started threatening her using Hoseok he threatened her that he will kill their 9 year old son if she won't tell him the location... Her child was everything to her so she gave the information and he immediately ordered your father to kill your mother and as my husband was not interested in this he killed Yoongi's father and my older son in a car accident... But before he could reach us... Mr. Kim... SeokJin's father who was my husband's right hand... helped us to escape"

Both hoseok's and Cheol's eyes got teary after hearing this where as both taejin looked at each other then yelled at the same time "HOW OUR PARENTS WHERE INVOLVED IN THIS"

Mrs. Min took a deep breath "now you both will have only one question to ask after this... And your parents were involved because your father was my husband's right hand and Kim clan's boss... He helped us leave this country... After 7 years when I came back to Korea... Things were different... But Mr. Kim made sure that even though there is no king... Name still stays strong with the help of Jimin's father... I took the option of Mafia queen but still wanted things to operate in King's name... I never wanted Yoongi to join this world but when he was attacked by him and Jimin's family... He Willing took the position of King"

Hoseok asked, "Do you know where our mothers and your sisters are?"

Mrs. Min shook her head... "We don't know... But all we can assure you that they are alive... Sehun cannot kill them knowing I am still alive... He is killing mafia bosses so that the king will reveal himself and he will find out where I am"

"When can we leave?" Hoseok asked

Mrs. Min raised her eyebrow "leave where?"

From here?We can't stay here forever right?

Mrs. Min rolled her eyes... "That was your third question... Anyone else?"

Hoseok growled"Common it's not the time to play around....i am seriously asking"

Mrs. Min glared at him "just so you know my child... I am your mother's older sister which give me every right to beat your ass regardless of your age... So watch your attitude"

Hoseok rolled his eyes but stayed jin raised his hand and asked "why we never get to know about them being mafias?"

"Mrs. Min shrugged "you never got to know about your husband being a Mafia until now... Or your ex being Mafia until his father decided to be an asshole"

"Eomma i love your sassiness but not right now...i am not following this two question rule i need a proper answer or i am leaving with my child and my brother " he responded being dead serious

Mrs. Min took a deep breath... "Don't threaten me with something you will never do also, look at your brother and son" she pointed in the direction of Yoongi where Taehyung's head was resting on his brother-in-law's shoulder and Jungkook was laying on top of Yoongi... "And the answer to your question is... I have no idea how you never got to know about them being a Mafia... Maybe they were trying to protect you both like Yoongi…"

Jin took a deep breath and asked Yoongi "did you know about my parents being a Mafia?"

Yoongi shook his head... "Nope... I only knew about Mr. Park being a Mafia boss... It is new to me as well"

Jin silently nodded and took the toddler from his husband's lap and  laid him on his chest while diverting his full attention to his baby's soft hairs and that's when Cheol asked "what about my father? Was he involved with sehun?what other crimes did he committed?"

Mrs. Min looked at Cheol for a brief moment before saying "oh boy... That will take the whole day... Yes, your father was involved with Sehun... He was going to kill your mother on Sehun's command... And Jimin... Can you please pass him the file of crimes by Choi"

Jimin smilingly nodded "gladly" saying that he passed him the file while he took with shakey hands and started going through it and with every turning page his sobs were getting louder and louder and after a certain point he just closed the file and silently left the room and no one stopped him knowing he needs some space and Jimin was just looking at his disappearing figure with sad eyes he wanted to go after him but stayed still knowing right now he isn't only Cheol's boyfriend but the mafia king's right hand he have no other choice then  to be here...

After a long pause Namjoon asked "so what is next?how are we gonna get a hold of Mr.Jung?"

Mrs. Min smiled "finally a smart question... Well... Jimin and our allies are already planning to have a hold on Jung... But the best shot to end him is for me to go there... In his den"

Namjoon raised an eyebrow "and how are you planning to trap him? don't you think he must be expecting to get trapped if you directly reach out to him?"

Mrs. Min smiled "of course son... We know that he will understand it is a trap that is why everything will happen according to the plan... But I would love to know your inputs on the plan which Jimin will share with you"

"Ofcourse ma'am i would love to be a part of it" he bowed at her with his dimple smile..... making her smile as well "i guess all of your questions have been shall we end this meeting here?"

She asked making Taehyung jumped up and excitedly raised his hand...she chuckled and motioned him to ask where as Yoongi just rolled his eyes know what that question gonna be "Since my parents....means i can join this world so NOW CAN I BE A MAFIA PRETTY PLEASE" he asked showing his most adorable doe eyes

*No Proofread*

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